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Scarlett pov

I lean my head on Ace's shoulder.

We are on the school roof again and we are just quiet and enjoying each other's company.

He has been the only thing to ground me these days. I promise I would have been insane by now. I usually have nightmares, but that was a new kind. It was like I was living in the moment. I remember each scream that came from Carlos.

I haven't been able to look him in the eyes properly yet. 

I haven't been able to sleep either, four days have gone, and I have slept very few hours.
Every time I close my eyes, I remember everyone's faces, how they thought I did it because I wanted to.

"Have you been sleeping?" ace voice brings me out of my thoughts

"no" I answer truthfully, what's the point of lying. He knew anyway.

He sighs and pulls me in his lap. I sit there frozen for a second before I relax.

"sleep" he orders and begin to stroke my hair.

We have been touchier after the hug we shared on Thursday.
We always seem to be touching in some sort.
Which is weird for being just friends, but that's bullshit, we both know we are way more than friends.

So, him pulling me onto his lap is not weird but not normal either. But I did as he said and laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat until I fell asleep.

Ace pov

I look at the sleeping girl in my lap, she looks exhausted. She has bags under her eyes, but she's still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I know it was a risky move to put her in my lap, but I think she needed it. I knew it wouldn't make her uncomfortable and I wanted her to sleep in a good enough position.

I can see she hasn't been sleeping.

I decided to be on the roof today instead of in class. The fucking teacher is stupid. Anyways, she was here already smoking one of her cigarettes. Which I took of course, I don't want her to die of cancer.

She thinks I'm annoying while I think I'm a hero, I'm saving her lungs.

So, it's been a few hours and my little princess is still sleeping, but I have to wake her up because its lunch time. If she hasn't been sleeping, she probably hasn't been eating either.

"Scarlett" I say in the softest tone I only have reserved for Jade. I stroke her cheek and she begins to move.

"it's lunch time mon amour" she wakes up and looks at her surroundings. She sees me and gives me a small smile before rubbing her eyes.
(My love)

she stands up and give out a hand for me to take. I stand up and she surprises me with walking into my chest and wrapping her hands around my torso.

"Thank you" she whispers as I hug her back. I could get used to this.

So, she curses when she's mad and is more affectionate after she has taken a nap. Noted

I kiss her forehead before we get down from the roof.

"Where have you been" Elijah asks as soon as we get to the table.

"Someone had a nap on the roof" I say to her best friends.
I know they are worried about Scarlett, so I thought it was the right thing to do and by their body language I was right.

Theo gives me a nod of approval before eating.

From what I have noticed about Scarlett's friends is that they all care for her deeply.

But as a person born in the mafia you become a little paranoid and sums up things in your head.

Elijah is calm and funny; he makes the jokes but is serious when it comes down to it. he has something going on with Dante.

Mattia is the angry one who can't control it, he has a weird sense of humour but he's a great dude.

Nico, the emotional one. She hasn't good control over her emotions, but she is funny and kind. Probably has something going on with Theo.

Theo grumpy and quiet. Totally opposite of his twin. I don't know much about him but has something going on with Nico.

Carlos the baby of the group. Is much like Matteo in some way, he loves making people smile and is never involved in a fight because the others won't let him get hurt.

Last but not least Scarlett, the leader. If she tell one of them something they will do it immediately. She cares for everyone in her group, and everyone cares for her.

Me and Scarlett sat next to each other like we always do. Oliver, the new man tries to give Scarlett a subtle nod which I find weird but maybe that's how they greeted each other in Spain.

Scarlett touches my hand on accident, but it's an open invitation for me. I lace our fingers together.
Scarlett looks around to see if anyone's watching before she continue to eat.

She looks calm and collected but she has a pink tint on her cheek and a small smirk on her face.

I grin before I continue to eat with my other hand.

"Ok, ok I have a good pickup line. I promise" Matteo said waving his hands around.
"No pen, no paper. But you still 'draw' my attention" he smirked after he was done, everyone on the table burst into a fit of laughter.

"No, no this is the one. Are you my mom's belt, cause you hit different" Carlos said, and everyone laughed louder.

"don't tell me pickup line because I don't like to be picked up, I'd rather be pinned down" Nico says, and everyone looked at her shocked.
Theo groaned and hung his head back; we laugh at his misery while Nico blushed

The bell rang and everyone finished up eating before we went to class.

1008 words

The calm before the storm

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