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Leonardo POV

After the girls left the principal's office, I can't help it but shed a tear. I don't know what I expected but it was not this.
"She thought we were going to hurt her" I say as another tear escaped my eye
"We will gain her trust." Dad said trying to comfort me.

We wait for another twenty minutes before going to get the girls. We first spot Scarlett smoking a fucking cigarette.
She's 16 for fuck's sake, I'm going to get her to quit those cancer sticks.
We begin to walk towards her, once were there all her friends leave.
"let's go we should go home to pack" she says and walks away without even looking at us.

We find stella quick and takes her with us in our car, we drive up to a decent looking house.

Without saying anything dad parks the car and gets out, stella walks up to the house and says looking nervous.

"This is the house I have lived in for three years, would you like to come in? I chuckle before answering "of course we would like to come in principessa" so we go inside.

She shows us to the living room, I look around a bit disgusted. I see beer bottles everywhere and some empty bags with probably cocaine.

We look around and wait for Scarlett to come home, when she does the only thing, she says is that she will be here for another week before coming to us.

Stella and I begin to pack up her stuff while trying to get to know each other.

"Favourite colour?" she asks.

"haven't got one, you?" I say.

"I love pink, and how do you not have a favourite there's so many?"

"I haven't really thought of it, I mostly work."

"What do you work as?" I stiffen at the question

"We have some businesses principessa. What did you mean when you said Scarlett wasn't always like this?"

She thinks for a moment "3 years ago she was gone for around 9 months. No one knows where she went, but when she came back, she was never the same, she had a lot of tattoos, and she refuses to talk about it. She als-" she didn't finish as Scarlett came downstairs in all black.

"I'm going out, you won't see me till next week." She shrugs like it's no big deal.

She goes up to stella and kisses her forehead "I'm going to see you next week; you give me a call if anything happens" pointing a finger at stella, she then turns to me "if she cries one time, I will end you" she says in a calm deadly voice. I look at her in shock as she walks out the door.

I keep thinking to what stella said earlier she was gone for 9 months that's a crazy amount of time alone for a 13-year-old girl.

"Are you finished packing" dad asks Stella. I look over at her as she nods.
We get in the car and drive to the airport.


We begin to walk to the privet area immediately not bothering to go thru security and all that stuff.

"don't we need to go thru security?" stella asks looking at us confused.
"Angel, we own a jet" I say chuckling at her shocked face.
Her jaw drops after a couple seconds still staring at us with wide eyes.
"Close your mouth, we don't want any flies in there will we?" she recovers from her shock and shake her head smiling.
"So, your rich rich huh?" she smiles as I laugh.


Stella must have been really tired considering she slept the entire flight.

We sit in the car about five minutes from the mansion.

"Do we have any more siblings?" stella asks looking at me
"Yes, you actually have four more brothers" it looks like her eyes almost pop out of her sockets.
The car stops and I see stella fidgeting with her fingers I lean over and whispers "they are going to love you" hoping to ease her nerves.

She smiles at me before walking out of the car. I get out as well, I walk over to her and take her hand giving her a squeeze for support.
I open the door for her as she goes inn spinning as she looks around with a wide mouth. "it's beautiful" she whispers.

"EVERYONE COME DOWNSTAIRS" dad shouts as we hear a lot of running from upstairs.

The twins are the first to sprint down the stairs with my other brothers right behind. Mom walks in from the kitchen probably wondering what this is about.

"Who is this?"
"Why does she look like you?"
"Why is there a girl here?"

I hear every brother ask at the same time. I look over at mom to see her looking at stella with tears in her eyes. "i-is that her?" mom stutters.

"Guys this is stella, your youngest sister" I hear gasps around the room. I take a look at my brothers to find most of them in tears already.

Mom rushes forward and crashes stella in a hug. "My baby" I hear her muter multiple times.

"where's Scarlett" Damien says looking scared? He was always closest to her.

"She will come next week, don't worry" dad says quickly to stop whatever they are thinking

Mom lets go of stella as Lorenzo takes her place. Once they are done hugging, I say "everyone say your names in order. I'm Leonardo as you know and I'm the oldest." Looking at her.

"Hi, I'm Lorenzo, welcome back bambina." Lorenzo says

"I'm Damien and that's Dante" he says no emotion shown on his face, but if you look closely, you can see the adoration in his eyes.

Dante just gives an awkward smile and a little wave.
"I'm Matteo and finally I'm not the youngest one, we are going to prank the others so hard, you like pranking right? I have so many ideas, but we can't prank mom and Damien because they will beat us up." He says in one breath looking nervous.

Stella laughs at his rambling, clutching her stomach in the process. She wipes her tears

"I would love to be your partner in crime, but we cannot prank Scarlett either. I have seen some of her friend try, she would always know and smack them behind the head hard." She emphasizes on the word hard as she slightly winces at the memory.

She then proceeds to say hi to everyone else and give some hugs to those who wanted one. She suddenly yawns
"Matteo, can you take her to her room?" I ask him as he nods his head excitedly.

1132 words

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