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Scarlett pov

I walk into the school and people part their way for me. They are afraid of me; they think I will harm them for no reason. That's not true, I just finish fights and stand up for people who can't do it themselves.

It's been three days since Elijah's nightmare, and he's been off. He gets nightmares every night but not as intense as the last one. He usually is off the next couple of days before returning normal.

The rest of the family has been staying at the house and I think they will be staying there for a while. Everyone has been trying to get to know me and I would like to, but I cant. I will not put anymore people in danger.

I'm already in deep shit with Stella and Dante. I seem to have a soft spot for him, he reminds me of Theo, Well he's less grumpy.
Don't get me started on grandpa, I have so much respect for him its insane. We understand each other in a weird way. We don't talk much but he somehow sees me. Yes, I know it's weird as fuck.

I start to walk towards my classroom before I change my mind, I would rather smoke on the roof than go to math.
I get on the roof and sit down; I take out a cigarette and light it.

The mafia has been a lot of stress, the Russians are planning something, and I don't know what. I got my first traitor yesterday; she was lower rank, so it wasn't a huge deal.

She was a 35-year-old woman who apparently volunteered for the money. What a fucking dumb bitch, she really thought I wouldn't know.
I let everyone she has betrayed torture her before I killed her, everyone knows to not betray me now.

A person sit next to me and take my cigarette out of my mouth. I look over and see Ace, just because he's Damien's best friend does not mean I will not kill him.
I huff and take out another before lighting it. he goes to take that one too, but I dodge him.

"Try taking it again, I fucking dare you" I look at his beautiful face. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. His jaw is sharp as fuck annnnddd now he's smirking.
"You done checking me out love?" he noticed me checking him out.

I know he's the French mafia heir, he's dad is s good friend of mine actually. Only the don of my allies is allowed to see my face.

I have saved his family a couple of times. Adam, Ace's dad were one of my first allies. I trust him with stella and my friends life, that's when you know it's real.

"Why are you here ace" I ask annoyed, he doesn't need to take my cigarettes.

"I was skipping class and coming up here for a blunt, when I saw a pretty girl smoking cancer into her lungs. I decided to be the girls saviour, but she threatened me. End of my wonderful fairy-tale" he finished; I gave him a look that said 'was that necessary'

He grinned at me, and I looked towards the field again. We stay silent for a few minutes before he breaks the silence.

"Wanna play 21 questions" he looked at me.
"sure" I answer looking at him back.

"Ok, favourite dish?"

"Lasagne, yours? He looked at me with a frown.
"chérie, that's not how the game works, you need to come up with your own questions" wow he takes the game seriously

"Ok then what's your favourite animal"

"Easy, dogs 100%." He says grinning. "I have a dog, her name is lucy" I know. "she's the best" he begins to ramble about how his dog is perfect and she's better than everyone else.

I feel oddly comfortable with him, I feel like I have known him for ages. When I reality I have met him only a handful of times.

"Oh, I totally forgot the game. What's your favourite colour"

"it's black" I say then add "like my soul" in a very deep tone trying to match his. He told me that his favourite colour was black when he was rambling about his dog.

"Are you mocking me?" he gasps and put a hand on his heart. He turns his whole body toward me, he leaps towards me and land on top before he starts to tickle me.

One thing about me I fucking despise being tickled.

I manage flip us over so I'm on top. He looks shocked and on instinct he lays his hands on my hips. By now I realise how close we are.

"I don't like being tickled" I tell him still holding our eye contact. He gives me a grin before he flips us again. His face is almost too close to mine.
"you're going to have to get used to it if you keep talking with that big mouth of yours" fucking hell what has gotten into me.

fuck he's Damien's best friend we shouldn't be doing this.

"We shouldn't be doing this" I say looking into his eyes. Why the fuck does this feel so good.
He clenches his jaw before moving off me.
"I know chérie, I know" he says as I stand up.

I grab my phone that had fallen out of my pocket before I get down from the roof and get to my last class of the day.

Ace pov

Why did it feel so good to have her beneath me, she's the sister of my best friends for fuck sake.

The way she laughed when I tickled her or when I rambled nonstop about Lucy. Fuck it turned me on. She has officially ruined other women for me, and she haven't even touched me yet.

No, no, no, not yet. fuck now I'm thinking about it.

I have only talked to her a few times, and I'm already obsessed, fuck no.

I'm always like the quiet type but no she makes me want to talk.

Scarlett fucking Romano will be the death of me.

1033 words

Ooohhhh something going onnnn

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