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Third person pov

Elijah and the gang hadn't heard more from Scarlett after the phone call. She hadn't come to school and isn't answering her phone.

It had been a week since the attack and Scarlett hadn't been talking to anybody. She had assigned bodyguards to everyone important except for her, she is sure she will die soon.

Her friends decided to corner her in her own house to get her to talk. They had no information except for that Dimitri was alive.

Elijah had originally come to see Scarlett last week, but she wasn't at home, so he went to Dante instead.

Once they got to the Romano mansion, they had to sneak inside. They knew it was pointless to try and sneak up on Scarlett, it's like she has a sixth sense.

The whole gang was there Elijah, Nico, Mattia, Theo and Carlos. They could have taken Ace with, but they knew she hadn't told him about the mafia

They get inside and no one is in there except for Scarlett who is making herself a smoothie inside the kitchen.

'perfect' Theo thought, they could talk freely, and they didn't have to drag Scarlett out of her room.

"what are you doing here?" Scarlett asks with her back turned towards them, they had just walked into the room, and she knew. She had a cold tone, so they knew something happened in that room.
she had now turned around and her eyes look dull

"why are you ignoring us" Carlos asks in a hurt tone. He looks up to Scarlett even though she's younger, so her ignoring and not talking to them hurts him. She's his best friend.

"I told the Russians you are dead, you are safe" she tells the others.
"WHAT" everyone except Scarlett shouts.

"why the fuck did you do that" Elijah spitted out angry. He understood the sacrifice Scarlett made, she made herself the target.

"I did it to protect you, remember? I will always protect you" she coldly says and looks at Theo.

"what the fuck Scarlett you can't just fucking do that" Mattia yells out frustrated.
He may sound mad, but the truth is he is terrified, he's terrified to lose Scarlett, they all are.

"your safe" she says again, more to herself. Nico has tears streaming down her face.

"what about you" she sobs out as she walks to Theo for support. He hugs her tight before looking into Scarlett's eyes, they don't tell him anything.

"it doesn't matter" she says and takes a sip of her smoothie.

"of course it matters" Carlos says with tears falling out of his eyes.
"you fucking matter" Theo finishes for his twin.

Scarlett sighs and shakes her head

"I'm going to die, you will all share the mafia and the company" she says calmly, she doesn't even look bothered by the fact that she said she was going to die. She has just accepted it.

"w-why are you so c-calm" Carlos stutters out, by now everyone except Scarlett has either tears in their eyes or on their faces.
"monsters don't fucking matter" she whispered to herself, she needed to reassure herself.

"you know your not a monster" Mattia says, she was not quiet enough. He looks at her now stiff position.
"don't" she warns. Dimitris words are ringing in her head.

"y-you're not a monster" Nico repeats.
"shut the fuck up" Scarlett grits out through her teeth.

"you are not a monster" Elijah says again, they are trying to convince her, but they all know they crossed her line. She can only handle so much in a short amount of time.

"I command you to stop" she says with authority clear in her voice, she's not playing around. They all straighten up for her next words.

"you are going to stop taking to me, and you are going to get over my death. When I die you will take care of each other and the duties you have gotten, ok?" she says even though she is hurting on the inside.

"yes donna" they all say in chorus, their voices break.

"now, you are going to grow up, get married, and maybe have beautiful children. You are going to thrive and forget all about me." She says with a small smile. she doesn't look bothered by the fact at all.

"I'm so proud of you, your going to do so great" she finishes and walks over and gives each of them a kiss on the forehead or the cheek before walking away.

Everyone in the group never wanted approval from any parent, they wanted it from Scarlett. She was their leader, their guidance and now they couldn't even talk to her.

Scarlett know deep inside that they are going to try and talk to her again. and she probably wouldn't do anything about it, but now she needs to get over it and work her ass off to find Dimitri.

Scarlett knows she can't control her friends. They will try everything in their power to get her back, no matter what, they will disobey her orders.

As she walks away the others begin to sob, Nico hides herself into Theo's chest.
She can't imagine a world without her best friend.

Scarlett didn't even think about how everyone's worlds will come crashing down after she is gone.

The worst part is that they can't try to help her without her consent. It's the way of the mafia, if you go behind the don or donna you die, it's a sign of respect.

But fuck that, Scarlett could never kill one of them so they will try everything they can.

They know that they won't give up on Scarlett, they will do anything to get her out of her emotionless state and figure out how to take down Dimitri.

976 Words

Damnnnnn its getting dramatic.

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