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Scarlett pov

Somethings wrong, I haven't gotten a message from my guards yet. why isn't they sending an update.

I have some undercover in the house. They're my men, but they pose as Italians. They are supposed to update me every two hours and now it's been three. I can't shake off the feeling somethings wrong.

I get in my car and drive away; I speed through the gates. Nobody is here, the guards are gone.

I know I can't just walk in there and kill everybody, that would expose me. I don't think Dimitri knows I'm diabla.

I go inside casually; I know I'm prepared to see Dimitri but as soon as I see him, I freeze for a second. My brain is programmed to stand like a solider when I see him, so my fucking muscle memory is doing so.

"There is my маленький монстр" Dimitri says with a sickening smile.
(Little monster)
I don't flinch at the mention at the name, but flashbacks are threatening to make an appearance

"I must say I'm impressed; I have tried to find you and your friends for years. Where are they" he asks me, we hid our traits good.

"мертвый" I answer in Russian, so my family don't know what I'm saying. I need to lie so my friends isn't in too much danger. He laughs out loud with his head tilted back

"No, no don't speak Russian, we want your family to understand." he says.
"now how did they die" he's fucking taunting me

"killed them, they made me weak" I'm only saying what he wants to hear. but on the inside, I'm screaming

"I knew you were stronger than them my little monster" he tells me, and I clench my jaw. "they were always so weak, couldn't even take the beatings I gave you" he continues, and my family looks at me in shock, some of their faces are bloody and bruised.

Fuck, I'm mad.

"Why are you here" I manage to say. I would have gotten a beating for speaking without permission.

"I have been trying to find you for years, but then I heard the announcement of the lost Italian princesses return, I had to see for myself" of course he knew that I was a Romano.

Nobody says anything, we are all trying to digest the information.

"You think they love you" he says it more as a statement, not a question. "You see their shocked faces; they see you as a monster. You are unlovable"

'Nobody loves you'
'you're a monster'

I close my eyes and clench my jaw; he can't get into my head. If he do, we're all dead.

"You can see my little monster here is incapable of loving" he says to my family.

'you're a monster, you can't be loved'

"that's not true" Lorenzo says quietly, but everyone still heard him.
A Russian was about to punch him, but I pulled out one of my throwing knives and threw it in his neck making him die on the spot.

Everyone gasped and stella screamed.

"Don't. Touch. Them." I say clearly, Dimitri laughs but nod to his men before he walks out. Fucking pussy, always making others do his dirty work.

I know I could walk out and kill him, but I need to protect my family.

"Close your eyes stella" I say as one Russian lunges for me. I know I can take everyone in this room. Dimitri really underestimated me. He think I have gone weak.

It is about fifteen Russians in this room, I can see they aren't trained properly. They are slacking, maybe Dimitri has gone bad.

One lunges at me and is throwing worthless punches. I dodge his dumb punches and manage to slice his neck with a knife I took out of my waistband.

I end up killing nine Russians with my knife before my family is screaming something. I look back to see if anyone is hurting them, but then I get stabbed in the fucking stomach.

Of course, it had to be right next to the other one.

"My fucking god" I groan as a distraction before I slice another's neck. I didn't need to make a reaction, but it was just a move to show I'm vulnerable (which I'm not) so when he comes forward thinking I'm dying, I kill him.

Two come forward at once. As I'm fighting the first one, the second come behind me and grabs me by my hair. the first takes the opportunity to hit me everywhere he can before I take the upper hand of the situation. I grab the second and flip him over my shoulder, so he lands on top of the first.

Then there is left three left, one looks terrified but starts to punch me, he lands a punch right where I was stabbed. I stumble a bit back and chuckle.

Fuck that hurt

The look on everyone's faces is hilarious, everyone looks terrified.

I punch one man in the head making him pass out.
The two others looks at me with fear before they get on their knees. Bowing to me.

I turn to the tied up Italians.
"Did they hurt one of you" I ask before I spit some blood out of my mouth.

"yes" someone who looks like Robert says
Theo and Carlos talks about him a lot. I see how much they love him. They showed us a picture of him, but I never knew he worked for the Italians.

I nod and walk behind the kneeling men, and I snap their necks. I show no fucking mercy for people who harm my family.

I go over to the other men that are knocked out and twist their necks too.
Everyone who needs to be dead is dead and I have a stab wound in the stomach. Great, just how I wanted my day to go.

The adrenaline is starting to wear off as I walk towards my father with a knife. I cut him loose before walking towards stella

'no one can ever love a monster like you'

"Stella look at me, and only me" I say, and she does, she looks terrified by my appearance and me too, I'm bloody and bruised all over. I untie her ropes.

'You see their shocked faces'

"Now I'm going to explain later, but right now I need you to look down while you go to the kitchen with mom" I look at mom who nods at me.

1090 words

So I'm not the best at describing fight scenes , but this was better than the first one.

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