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Scarlett's pov

The last few days has been work, work and a lot more work. I have been killing left and right in the night-time and been doing paperwork and the legal business in the daytime.

I have moved the largest mafia to fucking Italy for this. How much work do you think that is? I have many children under my care, who i had to put in schools and get them houses.

I'm the CEO of N.E.S.M corporations. We have all kind of business around the world. I own a lot of hotels, restaurants, gyms, airports, fashion lines, car lines such as tesla, Mercedes, and a lot more. I go under the name 'Scar TC'. Nobody has seen or heard from her, well except a few who know me.

If you haven't guessed it N.E.S.M stands for Nico, Elijah, Stella and Mattia. I would have called the company after my dead best friends Theo and Carlos, but I decided it was better to have their initials as my last name.

Their death anniversary is in a few days actually.
But I will not be going down that hill and think about the twins. It usually ends up with me high or drunk.

Right now, I'm on the plane to Italy to meet my newfound family. I really hope that they aren't huggers, I fucking hate physical contact.

Once I'm off the plane I get a message on my phone from stella saying they're at the entrance where the McDonald's is. I walk over there with my luggage

Once I get there, I see stella with another man probably a new brother?
I walk over there with a blank expression.
"Hey, Scarlett this is our elder brother" she says smiling
"Hi bambina I'm Lorenzo your second eldest brother." He says with a large grin on his face.

I nodded not having the energy or care to say something back. Stella understood my situation and said that we should get to the car.

We get to a beautiful Mercedes Benz AMG GT63s. we get in the car and drive away. I can see that Lorenzo wants to say something but I plug in my air pods and listen to music instead.

I have been so on edge recently; I think it has something to do with the death anniversary. I can't believe it has been three years since I last saw them, heard their voice. I miss the twins; they were my family.


We have been here for nine months, nine months of living hell.

We all have been trained to be monsters. I have killed more innocent people then I can count. We all have been trained hard, by training I mean gotten beaten half dead then forced to kill someone or been tortured for hours without getting too scream.

We all get beaten hard, but he fucker Dimitri think that I have a stronger mind than the others and he is constantly trying to break me down. Without success so far, I can feel so much pain anymore and honestly it scares me.

He thinks I'm dangerous because I take beatings for the others without batting an eyelid. I'm dangerous because I'm a leader, and it threatens him. Fucking pussy.

Its been horrible but we have planned, we have just been waiting for the right moment which is today.

Right now, we are just going over the plan as we wait for Dimitri or a guard to show up to beat one of us, probably me.
Dimitri is the boss of the Russian mafia, or that's what we have heard. He is trying to make us the best assassins in the world, he wants to destroy us mentally and get us to work for him.

"Once someone comes in Scar will kill him, then we kill everyone in sight and we run over to the west wing," Mattia say while I hand out the knives, I have collected during the torture times.
Fucking dumbasses couldn't even see a little girl steal from them.

"Once were outside, we run into the woods." Elijah continues as we all nod showing we are listening.

"You run until you are in the abandon house, the reason I'm saying you is because you run even if one of us dies. You keep on running no matter what." I say looking at everyone.
I know everyone here is going to break that rule, even me. Were family now.

We have gone over the plan more specifically before, so this was just a summary for everyone.

The door opens and one of the guards come in. We all separate from each other and walk around in different directions. I slowly get behind the guard while making sure I don't make any sound. I jump up and put my left hand on his mouth and slice his throat with the other. I carefully sink is body to the ground, I take his gun and other weapons and hand them out to the others.

We all nod at each other before we open the door and run towards the west wing. We kill men left and right as we make our way outside.

We begin to sprint towards the forest, I look around and see everyone in good shape running for freedom.
We get in the forest as we hear yells and bullets flying through the air.

I suddenly hear a groan of pain on my right. I see Carlos on the ground with a gunshot in his right leg. Theo runs over to his twin and helps him up. He takes Carlos's arm over his shoulder and continue to run as best as they can.

I run over to them and take his other arm over my shoulder as we run better than before.
I hear three gunshots going in our direction. I let go of Carlos arm and dodge the one meant for me. As I go to take his arm again, I see him and Theo on the ground clutching their stomachs.

"run" Theo says to me as tears well up in my eyes.
"I can't leave you here" I cry out thinking of options.
"Yes, you can now run Scarlett" Carlos says giving me a small smile to show its ok.
"No, no I can't leave you. I love you too much" I look at them with tears streaming down my face.
"We love you too, but you need to run, run for us" Carlos said.

I nod and take a deep breath and run. I run from them, for them.

After thirty minutes of running, I get out of the forest. I get to the abandon house and walk in. as soon as I get in the door I break down and begin to sob. I fall to my knees and scream as loud as I can.
I get up and begin to punch the wall again and again.

One for not saving Theo

One for not saving Carlos

One for being kidnapped

One for that idiot Dimitri

I continue to punch the wall as hard as I can just to feel something. As I go for another punch my hand gets stopped. I try to punch the person, but they block. I look up to see Elijah holding my hand giving me a concerned look.
I look away in shame, how can I live. I just left my brothers to die.

"where's the twins" Nico asks me I look up with tears in my eyes.
"I couldn't save them" I whisper as the others begin to cry.


We went out and looked for their bodies a few days later but came out empty handed. There were no corpses, the Russians probably took them. 

1298 words

Have a great day or night

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