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Stella pov

We all sit down at the dinner table. I sit with Matteo on my right and Bruno on my left. Scarlett is on the other side of the table beside Fabio and Lucio.

Dad claps his hands twice and maids come inside with our food.

"Really you need maids to do everything for you" uncle-Dom jokingly said. Dad scowled as we all laughed.

"So, girls we would like to get to know you" grandma says with the biggest smile on her face. The other nod in agreement.

"What was your childhood like?" Scarlett tense a bit.
"It was great." I answer for both of us.

Scarlett does not like to speak around strangers especially about her past, for some weird reason, but if she does is usually to say something rude.

We go in for a bit.

"Favourite combo must be pineapple on pizza" I say to Bruno while eating.
"Oh my god you can't like that you bitc-" "watch it" Scarlett warns from the other side on the table. Her glare is pointed directly at Bruno who gulps.

"How did you get those?" Diego directs the conversation to Scarlett pointing at her hands that are full of scars and bruises.

"fights" Scarlett shrugged her shoulders while the rest looked at her with concerned.
"Are you hurt" Valentino asked worried. My brothers laugh while Scarlett frown

"no" she says looking truly offended

"What about your tattoos. Do they have meaning?" aunt anna asks her.
"some" she always try to reply with one word. Before anyone could ask a phone rings

*ring *ring

Scarlett's phone calls. she looked at the id number and was about to answer it.

"Put it on speaker" dad said, and she sighed.
"I'm not trying to embarrass you in front of your parents but no" she says, and I see hurt flashing on almost everyone's faces after she said 'your parents' instead of 'her grandparents.'

"Scarlett, you need to come" a stressed Mattia says on the other line. Scarlett tensed. We could all hear due to screaming on the other line.

"what's happening, is everyone safe?" she says as she gets up from the table.

"Elijah is having another episode." We hear screaming and begging on the other line.

Scarlett whispered 'fuck' on repeat as she ran outside towards her bike. Dad was stressed out over that she didn't wear a helmet.

Scarlett pov

My heart dropped when I heard the screams coming from Elijah. He has been having nightmares basically his whole life due to being sold to Dimitri.

He's having huge night terrors and can't get out of them. I seem to be one who can calm him down. I don't know why I can do it and the two others can't, but I will always help them with whatever they throw at me.

I rush into my mansion after I parked my bike. I run upstairs and see my brother screaming and trashing around while Mattia and Nico tries to calm him.


"fuckin'hell" I climb into the bed and take his arms in mine, so he doesn't hurt himself.

"Elijah, you need to wake up" I say and let go of his hands. "You are safe, we are safe" I set his head in my lap and thread my fingers through his hair.

I keep telling him comforting words and stroking his hair. He calms down after a few minutes and wakes up with red teary eyes.

"t-they-y hurt-t you" he sobs out immediately getting up from my lap and squeezing the living daylight out of me. I hug him back and rub my hands up and down his back.

"I know, I know. But I'm safe now remember" I whisper knowing what he was thinking about.


"Well, hello there, who shall we pick today" Dimitri had just came into our cell and now he's choosing who to torture. It will probably be me anyway ether I'm chosen, or I use my big mouth to save my friends.

"I think you" he points to Elijah who is shaking in fear. He has been here for a few years and he's struggling, I was beaten unconscious yesterday, so they hurt him instead.

I moved in front him; Elijah got enough yesterday.
"You should move away маленький монстр" Dimitri said dangerously, I still stood my ground. Its my job to protect, I have protected stella her entire life and now my friends would be as safe as possible.
(Little monster)

"Then we do it my way" he stalked towards me and began hitting me in the face.

It's not allowed to show emotion so instead I smirked with blood coming out of my mouth.
"that's all you got; you punch like a fucking pussy" we are not allowed to speak or be disrespectful, but I have not been tortured for the last seven months to feel pain. They wanted an emotionless monster, well now they got one.


Let's just say that's the day I truly changed for the worst. I became his weapon, so my friends didn't have too. I made them beat me, so my friends didn't have to.

"y-you s-shouldn't-t have-e done tha- that" he struggles to speak. "It s-should have-e been-n me-e, y-you are-e younger-r"

"I would have done it all over again. Every single time" I say stopping him from talking any further.
He sobs in my neck for a while. When he is relatively calm, I call out too the other two who went out of the room a little while ago.

Its hard for everyone of us to see another be like this. We are family and we do everything for each other.

When they came in the room the first thing, they does in give Elijah a nice suffocating hug. I decided to spend the night for Elijah's sake, they soon fall asleep in Elijah's king size bed.

They all somehow lay on top of me, Elijah is laying on my stomach and holding onto my waist. Mattia is clinging onto my right foot and lastly Nico is clinging onto my left arm making it fucking hard to work.

I decided to pull an all-nighter for their sake, sometimes they can trigger each other, and I need to be awake for that. I text my father before I work on my phone.
Elijah starts to wake up around 7 am.

"How are you" I ask as I thread my fingers through his hair. he snuggles closer to my stomach.
"I'm good, were you up all night?" he says with a raspy tone

"No, I just woke up" I lie, I don't need him to worry. He looks up at me and frowns, of course he knows I lied.
"Why did you lie" he can see right through me and that's frustrating

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine" he sighs but drops the subject.

"Thank you for coming" he whispers before he fell asleep again.

1189 words

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