I was eating too fast and started choking, and Haerin turned to me and started patting me on the back.

"Don't eat so fast," She said.

Hyeinforgucci: Omg Y/n and Haerin are such a thing!!!!!!!!!!!

Minjioppa72: is there something we don't know about?

Hannisiphone: Dani looks soo bothered😭

Danielle then grabbed a tissue and started wiping my mouth with it.

NewerJeans: the tension is crazyy omg just kiss already !!!!!

HEunchae122: Typical Y/n activity haha

"Guys! Eunchae is watching! Hi Eunchae!!" Hyein said.

I quickly finished up my noodles and returned to the dorms.

Dani, Haerin and I shared a dorm whereas Minji, Hanni, and Hyein shared the other.

I noticed a piece of paper on Haerin's bed.

Out of curiousity, I opened the paper.

In red writing:

I thought it was probably the girls playing pranks on each other, so I just left it where I found it.

Soon after, I heard the girls end the live and come toward the rooms.

"Aaaaaaahhh, I am so ready to go to bed!" Danielle said.

I figured I should get ready for bed too.

Before we were about to shut the lights off, Haerin saw the paper on her bed and read it.

A confused look took over her face and she left to hand it to Minji.

I shut the lights off and we all got into bed.

I was getting comfortable when I felt someone shuffle into my bed.

It was Haerin. I figured she just couldn't see in the dark.

"Haerin, you're in the wrong bed," I whispered.

"No, this is the correct bed." She said.

I didn't want to question her so I just let her sleep in my bed.

"What do you guys wanna do when we get our break?" Dani whispered to us.

"I have no idea, maybe go to fun places? Like amusement parks," I whispered back.

"Ooh! How about we go to a different country?" Danielle quietly suggested. "Performances and everything is too exhausting, when we get a break, it's going to be great!"

"Wait.. why's Haerin's bed empty? Where'd she go?" Dani whispered.

I felt a tug at my shirt, I guess it was a signal not to say anything.

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