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Naomi's POV

7 years later

It seems like yesterday since my life became perfect. The love of my life, with the most beautiful children I could ever imagine. I was living a dream that I didn't want to wake up from.

After Dylan and I's wedding, we went on a honeymoon to Italy, France, Scotland, and Greece. We were gone for 3 months. I told him beforehand that I didn't wish to leave the children yet, especially for that long. But he told me we needed a break and that I deserved it. Slowly but surely, I gave in and we left. But not without a long emotional goodbye to our kids.

We went everywhere, to amazing places during the day, to romantic times at night. Not surprisingly, when we returned from our honeymoon, I was two months pregnant. We later found out that it was a boy. I thanked God that I didn't have twins again because I don't think I could've taken pushing out two at the same time again.

But, I celebrated too soon. Five months after I had our baby boy, which we decided on Sekani, I got pregnant. Yet again, with twins. When we found out, Dylan wore the biggest grin, while I gave him 'the look'. Which he scratched his neck and replied with "My bad."

"My bad" my ass.

After I had the twins, which I named the boy Tobias, and Dylan named the girl Měilì, which means beautiful, we took in the years to raise the children we already had. Dylan finally got the point when I said I wanted to pause on the baby-making.

He gave me a break and for the next 4 years, we raised our five children. We loved each and every one of our children with such passion it made me cry at night sometimes with the life I had. I was so grateful that I met Dylan, and have been able to start a family with him. It's a perfect life.

After four years of raising our kids, Dylan and I both agreed on wanting more children. They were so cute and beautiful that we wanted more. A lot more. So, we started trying for more kids, which we were blessed with a baby girl which we agreed to call her Edwina. A year after her, we were hoping for just one more child to complete our big family. But instead, we got three at the same time.

I never thought I'd see the day where I get pregnant with triplets but I guess there's a first for everything right? We ended up having two girls, which we decided on Sakari, meaning sweet and Huiying, meaning joy. The third one was a boy, which we named Cevonne, meaning God is gracious.

I was perfectly fine with the NINE children I had. But someone made up an excuse saying they don't like odd numbers. I thought it was the crappiest excuse I've ever heard but I actually didn't mind having one more child. At this point, my weight has fluctuated like crazy, and my stomach feels and looks more like dough than it used to be. But Dylan still looked at my body with amazement every time. I don't think I'll ever see what he sees, but I guess that's the beauty of it all.

Finally, for the last time, we had our last child. A boy named Ailun. At last, we were done with the family we created. All of these children that we had within seven years were tiring to say the least. So two months after having Ailun, we went on vacation for a week. We made sure to have many babysitters, as in AJ, Maria, Dylan's uncle and his wife that I met at the wedding, and my cousin Nicole.

I met her at the wedding and she's the only family member that actually wished me congratulations. We talked for almost an hour at my wedding. I felt a strong connection between us and we've been like sisters ever since.

Besides Dylan and I having an excessive amount of children, other things have happened. Maria finally found Mateo after two years; more like he found her since he showed up at her house in Columbia. At first Maria was happy and emotional because of his sudden return, but she quickly got angry for is sudden disappearance. After a long talk though and a lot of explaining, they are on good terms.

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