Chapter 12

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Naomi's POV

The school day was over, and I was currently heading towards my mom's car. I usually ride the bus, but she got off early from work. 

As I was heading towards her car, I heard a girl shouting my name from behind me. I turn around and see Maria running towards me, I smile on her face. 


"Naomi! I'm glad I caught you." she said as she finally approached me, not even out of breath. 

"What do you need?" I ask, urgently wanting to get home. 

"I just wanted to thank you for the tour and say you are very good at speaking Spanish." she said, her Colombian accent very thick. 

"Thanks." I reply with gratitude. I find it disrespectful to not speak a language the correct way. 

"Are you going somewhere?" she asks. What type of question is that?

"Yeah- home." I tell her. 

"Oh well, you have a good rest of you're day." she says before turning to walk off. 

I nod as I begin to do the same. But just as I do, I see him. 


He was currently getting in his car, along with Lisa doing the same. As he put one leg into the car, our eyes connected. 

We stared at each other for what felt like forever until I heard  my name being called once more. I turn my head to see Maria has come back.

"I forgot to tell you but if my brother tries to flirt with you, ignore him. He's known for always trying to get with pretty girls like you only to break their hearts." she warns me. 

I nod. 

"Don't worry. What your brother wishes to do is impracticable." I say, feeling Dylan's eyes still staring at me from the other side of the parking lot. 

Maria's face twitches to the side as she sees sight of Dylan.

"Do you know him?" she asks. 

I don't answer. I just stare back at him. 

"He's seems to fancy you for the fact he's been staring at you for such a long time." she states with wonder. 

"Fancy is not the best word to use but sure." I clear up. 

She nods before we turn our heads, hearing her name called. When we hear where the voice is from, it turned out to be Mateo, approaching in large steps. And soon enough, he was right by our side. 

"I've called you like five times. We need to go. Dad wants us home." he says with an even thicker accent than his sister's. His attention then draws to me, realizing that there was another person in his presence. 

"Oh. Hey you." he said with a smirk and peachy voice. 

"Hey." I say with a short nod. 

"Your tour was great." he complements. 

"Was it really?" I ask with unbelief in my voice. 

"Yeah!" he said with a smile. 

"Well, I'm glad you liked it, I guess." I say before looking behind me. My mother was sitting in the car, on her phone waiting patiently. 

"Maybe you can show us around town, sometime." he offered. 

Around town?

"Sure." I say simply. My mind was elsewhere. 

I turn my head slightly and from the corner of my eyes, I see Dylan still staring at me. But now his face is red in anger as his eyes are staring more of beside me than directly at me. 

He's staring at Mateo. 

"Hey does homeboy have a problem?" Mateo asks as he notices Dylan staring. 


"Don't worry about it." I tell him before walking away towards my mom car. 

I'm not even going to give him a reason to be jealous. If he wants to be jealous for no reason from afar, he can go for it.

Just as I am almost to my mom's car, I hear a car from behind me pull to my side. To no surprise, it was Dylan. 

I stop walking and sigh before turning to him. 

"We need to talk." he says with anger in his voice.

"Do we really, though?" I say about to walk off. 

"Yes, Naomi we do!" he exclaims moving forward a bit. 

"Well it seems to me that you said plenty that day so I don't know what more you want to say. It's not like I want to hear more of you anyways so spare me the sob story." I continue.

"Listen, that day I was out of line. I should've never said those things. But who is that guy you were talking to?"

This stops me in my tracks. 

"Out of line? Out of line?!" I shout at him through the window, ignoring his question. 

"Fuck out of line! You were off the damn paper!" I continue. 

"And I don't care what you think or feel about what you said on that day. I don't care about any of it! It's the fact that out of all the shitty people I've met that you would be the one to really go too far. You begin claiming stuff that I wasn't even thinking about and still come for my throat all to protect your little play toy in the passenger seat!" I yell so loud that it grabs my mother's attention but I didn't care. 

"I don't care what you two have going on. I could give less of a rats two-tailed ass about what y'all have going on. But don't you ever," I come closer to his car till we're inches apart in between the window."

"Don't you ever, fucking say or assume shit like that ever again." I say.

"I'm sorry." is all he said with an expressionless face with only slight disappoint and guilt showing. 

"I don't care if you apologize to the Lord himself. But just know if you ever yell at me like that again, I won't be so kind as to walk off. And you," I point to Lisa. 

"I'm so sick of your ass and your bitchy attitude. Next time you ever say some shit to me, it's on sight." I warn her with a tight grip that I now have on the car door. 

"You don't mean that." she says with a roll of her eyes. 

"I mean every. Fucking. Word." I growl out through the window, more then venom dripping from my voice. 

Her facial expression then changes from cocky to worry. As it should. 

I then release my grip on the car and walk to my mom's car. Her eyes are widened and staring directly at me.


I get in the car just as Dylan's drives off. My mom's mouth opens and I already know what for so I cut her off. 

"Please, just don't ask." I say before putting my head against the window. 

Her mouth closes and she just starts the car before driving off towards our home. 

My life sucks too much to have anything good happen in it. And just when something good comes along, some shit has to ruin it. 

I think this is my 5,000th time saying this but...

Fuck. My. Life. 

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