Chapter 41

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Dylan's POV

"Dylan, come quick, I need your help." Maria's voice urged with worry and concern.

"Already am." I tell her, racing down the street, passing the few cars that drive too slowly. When I found out Naomi was gone, I saw red. And the fact that Salo threatened her life made me want to kill the person closest to me.

Unfortunately, AJ was that person so I didn't do so but a little thought in the back of my head thought about it. I'm just angry, I've never been this pissed in my life. Salo should've knew better than to take my girl away from me; he was asking for a death wish when he did so.

God I want her back into my arms so badly. Just to feel her skin against mine. To see her smile is to stare at the sun directly, no sunglasses saving you from the bright light. Her eyes are like beautiful galaxies every time she shows that sparkle of love and lust. Her face itself is art not even Michelangelo could master. And her dry humor, not taking shit from anyone, and just staying by my side, no matter how screwed her life has gotten.

It's the love. I love her so much it hurts. Just feeling her not in my grasp right now makes me want to just stop time and start over so none of this would've happened. The life we could've had if I never decided this life.

I could've left long ago; I had the choice to leave once my mother died, which would've been the better choice. Finding somewhere secluded where no one could ever find us, just living our lives. I want her forever. I want to stand in front of her and drop to one knee and pull out the most beautiful ring I can find, but even that wouldn't match her beauty.

I want to watch her walk down the isle, tears in her eyes for marrying the love of her life, same with me. I want to watch her reaction when she finds out she will one day carry my children, the smile that'll glow so bright I lose vision. Watching her hold our new born child with the utmost love and compassion that can't match any other.

I love her more than the word love itself. She's my world, my life, and my soul. I need her to survive and I never thought it would come to a day where I thought I would fall this hard, through the Earth's core deep for this girl.

I guess God knew what He was doing when He directed my attention to the back of the classroom of social studies. Everyone knew she was mine when I laid my eyes on her. I almost prayed for her to be mine.

Praying. It seems that's all I've been doing lately. Praying for a better life, a second chance to do less killing and more living. The only thing that's been succeeding at making my life worth living is Naomi. Hopefully one day she won't be the only one.

"Slow down or we're going to get killed before we even get there." my dad said from the passenger seat. I was so distracted in my thoughts that I forgot he was even in the car.

I say nothing and keep driving, increasing my speed as I go. This obviously angers my father, seeing him tense up and close his hands into tight fists with my peripheral vision. How unfortunate, wish I cared.

"Son." he warned, but I pushed on.

"Jun." I retort, using his first name since it seems I can't even refer to him as a father-figure anymore.

"You need to stop this. She's just a girl, she'll survive."

"She's my girl, who you know nothing about. All you did was judge her, and hold her at gun point." I lay my eyes on him for a few seconds before directing my eyes back to the road.

"But did she even flinch? No. Because she's strong. And you know why? Because she fights in the mist of a storm and doesn't give up. She fights for the ones she loves and would die for them too." I with pride laced in my tone.

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