Chapter 37

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Dylan's POV

"I love you too." Naomi says before hanging up the phone. When she hung up, it felt like she was gone forever. 

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, even though I find tears a liability and do nothing but make you feel worse. But most of all, I wanted to kill. I wanted to kill everyone that caused us pain and who kept us from leading a normal life. 

I looked down at the passenger seat, observing the small velvet box that sat there peacefully, along with the Chrysanthemums and Ferrero Rocher sitting along side it. 

Her birthday was coming up. She may have been to busy to notice but I remembered. Did she ever really tell me? No. Did I do a background search on her once I found out her name because I found her so captivating?


Call me what you will but I knew I was going to fall for her the day I met her. Even though I didn't want it to happen, I'm glad it did. And it may have been too early to propose, but I want her. I crave her. I need her. I'm not sure I could function correctly without her. And if she were to ever die from getting caught in the cross fire of my life, I would fall apart. 

I would kill everything on sight, and I would shut the whole world out, never to be seen again. That's how much I love her. That's how much she changed my life to the point of no return. I couldn't live without her, and I didn't want to. Trying to imagine a world without her is inconceivable. 

With all the thoughts swarming through my head, I didn't realize the speed I was going. It's probably illegal to go 130 in a 45. Probably. 

I'm guessing it was because before I knew it, flashing red and blue lights appeared behind me. For fucks sake. I quickly pull over, irritated for the waste of time I didn't have. 

A cop appeared next to my window in less than 10 seconds. He had already started talking before I rolled down my window. 

"Son, you want to explain to me why you were going at 100 miles per hour in a 45?!" he said furiously. He was a medium height white man that was more on the bigger side, looked about mid 50s. Has blonde gray-ish hair, or whatever was left of it from the bald spot that seemed to be taking over. He had a smug look on his face, feeling content because he thinks he pulled over a stupid teenager that was recklessly driving. Little did he know...

"That is unexcep-" he paused once my window was rolled all the way down. Looks like someone knows who I am. He stared at me in shock, like he was staring at death. Well, he wouldn't be wrong. 

"M-M-Mr. Lee, uhhhh I-I'm sorry for disturbing you on this nice evening." he stuttered out. His hands reach and smooth out his few strands of hair. 

"No, it is not a nice evening." I saw with a growl in my voice. The officer's eyes go wide. "Right. W-well, sorry to disturb you. I-I'll be be on my wa-" before he could even finish I dashed off, continuing on towards my house. 

These officers always waste my time. They try to keep people safe and control things but they fail miserably at it. It's truly just disappointing at times to see them do what they do, but it's never surprising. 

I continue on until I finally reach my house. The gates were blown open and there were car tracks from burnt rubber on tires turning into my driveway. Anger boiled through me as I zoomed into my estate. 

My driveway looked like a graveyard, full of Salo's men and a few of mine as well. More dead people I have to honor for their sacrifice. No death goes without a memorial and remembrance in my mafia. My dad doesn't care for the lost souls, but that doesn't mean I don't too. 

Once I've reached the front of the house, I turn off the car and run into my home with nothing but rage running through me. When I entered the house, it wasn't even the home I knew it to be. Furniture was flipped, windows were broken, paintings were cracked and on the floor. I stopped when I saw a framed picture of my mother lying on the ground, the whole frame shattered, but not from falling off the high shelf it sat on. 

But from a bullet. I bullet went through the frame, straight through her face, leaving nothing but a hole as her replacement. Seeing how perfect the bullet went through the frame, it was no accident. 

I felt my vision turn red as I made my way down to the training room, my gun already tightly gripped in my hand. I would kill anyone I had to if it meant getting Naomi safely back into my arms. And right now, she's all I needed. 

When I finally reached the training room, I froze. The door was blown open, and worse- there was nobody in the room. 

"Naomi?" I call for her aloud. But all I was met with was silence. 

"NAOMI?!" I yell once more. Silence. Shit shit shit shit shit. This is all my fault. Before I could even doubt myself once more, I heard urgent footsteps coming from behind me. Without second thought I turn around and point my gun straight at whoever just entered the room, only to find out that it was AJ. 

"Oh shit, it's just me." he said immediately putting his hands up in surrender. Even though my hand twitched, wanting to stay risen, I slowly lowered it down. 

"Where the hell is she?!" I shout with fury. "I-I don't know. But hey, we'll find her." AJ try to assure me but I wasn't having it. 

"Find her," I let out a pissed chuckle. "FIND HER?! She shouldn't have left in the first place! Why weren't you protecting her?! Where THE FUCK even were you?!" I question with even more rage. He was supposed to be protecting my girl. My world.

"I was at another base, setting up for the war. I-I didn't know they would attack here. We had plenty of men around the house." he tried to explain. 

"Well congradu-fucking-lations, mission accomplished! Now she's gone!" I say with sarcasm. I walk to AJ with my gun still in hand before pointing it at him in a threatening state.

"If we don't find her," I put the gun against his head. "A bullet is going straight through your skull." I promise with venom laced in my tone. AJ keeps a masked expression, knowing that I meant every word. He knew the risks that I was willing to take for Naomi, no matter how many lives it took. 

"Yes sir." he states. I walk past him, heading for the blown-up entrance before my phone suddenly rings. Without looking at the phone ID I answer it. 

"What?" I question with frustration, not wanting to hear someone, most likely my dad begin to bicker. 

"Hello, Dylan. I'm calling about a little issue that I'm going through." the voice on the other end began, not so sincerely. 


"Where is she?" I growl. And the words he spoke next, caused me to see the darkest shade of red I've ever seen. 

"Oh, well that's exactly why I was calling. Ya see, your little girlfriend has been giving me some issues and well truthfully, she's pissing me off. So here's what we're gonna do- You and your father come to the location I just sent you alone within an hour so I can kill you, or I kill the girl. You're choice. Clock's ticking!"

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