Chapter 36

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Naomi's POV

Once we heard that Salo entered our territory, Dylan automatically put defenses up all around the perimeter. He quickly called up his allies, which I didn't know but was A LOT. I thought he might have had three, but boy was I wrong. Try 50. He's allies with countries I haven't even heard of before. 

Dylan quickly bumped up the security around us as well. Like, excessively. He also put me on lock down, so I couldn't leave the house. Hell, I couldn't even take a step onto the driveway without him or a guard ushering me back inside. 

But luckily, there was no reason to leave. It my sound crazy, but I liked staying inside the house. Truthfully, I hated leaving. It felt wrong, and I got home sick, even though it's not my original home. 

Home. I missed my home, but I knew there was no going back. It was too dangerous. And it was also pointless. I would be going home to a cold and empty house, with no parents there to greet me.

 I missed my parents dearly, more of my mom though. I can't even think of my mom without tearing up and feeling sick to my stomach, sometimes not being able to hold it in; but that's nothing new. 

I was now in the training room, punching at a dummy. I've felt myself getting stronger over the weeks. I really have faith in this war. I know we're going to win. It will come with sacrifices no doubt, but people new what they were signing up for when they agreed to join; so did I. 

Dylan and I's schedule has been harsher to us. I wake up to him gone, getting a text from him saying he went to check the forts and hideouts, making sure they're clear. I've asked him to let me join many times, but his answer is always the same. 

'It's too dangerous.' he says constantly over and over again. 'You're not ready.' I wouldn't be down here working my ass off trying to be better if I 'wasn't ready'. I know he has the best intentions, but at least let me do something besides wasting ammo at a fake target and hitting a bag till my knuckles turn red. I love him, but the least can do is get me some action so I can be prepared for the worst. 

I continue punching the bag in front of me with different styling techniques Dylan has taught me. I quickly uppercut the rubber dummy before pulling out my knife hidden in my combat boots and slashing the dummy across the throat. 

Turns out, I really like knives more than I expected. I safely tucked the knife back into my boot before lifting my hands to punch the target once more. Before I could land a hit on it though, I heard rough shouting coming from upstairs, followed my harsh footsteps.

Before I knew it, I heard bullets popping. I flinched, taking the sudden unplanned act by surprise. Was Salo here? That was a dumb question, of course he's here. But I didn't expect him to attack so soon.

I snapped out my daze and quickly ran to the shooting range. When I entered, over a hundred different guns aligned the walls. With shelf of hundreds more ammo underneath it. I quickly grab a M&P 12 Bullpup Shotgun off the wall. I don't really train with guns, but my aim is pretty good. I then go to a big cabinet past the guns and pull it open. Inside, is knives from top to bottom. There were small knives, but also katanas. I grabbed a light blue katana and its cover before wrapping it around my side. I then picked up twenty different hand knives and placed them on different parts of my body. 

Here we go I guess. 

I leave the room, not before shutting the door and locking it with the 10-digit code that comes with it, along with a finger scanner that luckily, Dylan added my thumb print in when we heard Salo had entered the territory. I ran to the exit of the training room before slamming it shut and locking it. After doing the same with the entrance, I put the room on a heavy lock down, a feature that Dylan showed me in case of emergencies. 

After that full training room and gun room was on lock down, I quickly pulled out my phone and called Dylan. It didn't even hit the second ring before he picked up. 

"Naomi? Are you alright?!" I heard him question with concern laced in his tone. "Yeah, I'm good. I put the training room on lock down. I'm the only one in here, so I'm safe." I told him. 

"That's my girl. What happened?" he questioned more. "I don't know. I was just training before I heard yelling and then shooting. I think Salo's men are here." I explain, my voice shaking slightly. And oh how I hate that it did. 

"Okay. I'm on my way home now." he said. I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you left. Where did you go?" 

"Just to pick up a few things. I'll be there as quick as I can. DO NOT, leave the room. I love you." 

"I love you too." I say before hanging up the phone. I was too distracted to realize that the bullets had stopped, and the thunderous footsteps went silent. I quietly approached the door, trying to figure out what happened. 

I wasn't going to open it of course. I'm not stupid. I pulled out the shotgun and held it tightly in my grasp. It was quiet. Too quiet. 

Before I knew it, the door blew up, throwing a strong gust of wind that knocked me off my feet. I landed hard on my back, air leaving my lungs. Pain shot up my spine and my head pounded from the impact. My vision swirled and my ears rung. 

But no matter what, I couldn't falter. I quickly stood up, trying to keep my stance even though I couldn't see anything. I raised my gun once more and took off the safety, and took my aim. I waited for the smoke to clear, and once it did, I realized right then and there-

I'm in deeper shit than I thought. Over twenty men stood there, with strange masks on and all dressed in black. I didn't have to see their faces to know they were all smiling.

"Y'all from the circus or somethin'?" I questioned, trying to shake off the headache and pain rolling down my back. I guy suddenly took a step forward, having a different mask on than the rest. A strong Latino accent was heard as he spoke. 

"No. But one thing is for sure," he started. I raised my eyebrow, not ready for his next words. 

"We're gonna have some fun."

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