Chapter 11

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Mateo's POV

"Give it back!" Maria yells at me as I hold her phone in my hand, raising it to a height she can't reach. 

"Why do you need it so bad, huh? Got someone you need to text?" I question with a mischievous smirk.

"Yes! The snipers I have following us around so when I get sick of you they can kill you!" she replies back with anger in her voice. She then begins to jump up, trying to reach her phone. But still to no avail, fails. 

Her eyebrows furrow towards her eyes before she swiftly kicks my feet with abrupt force. Not noticing, I slam onto the ground as my grip loosens on her phone. 

Once I hit the ground, Maria's phone is now in her hand before she puts both my hands behind me and stabs her knee into my back. I wince as I try my best to look up at her. 

"I told you to give it back." she says, returning the mischievous smirk I once had.  

"Fuck you." I growl out.

She just laughs before a voice interrupts us.

"Enough." A deep, Colombian-accented voice says. 

We look up and see our father, staring down on us with an irritable expression.

"Get off your brother, Maria." he orders her. 

Giving me one last glare, she rising from off of me. I let out a gasp as I get up. I stick my tongue out at her before I turn to my father. 

"Thanks da-" I began but he cut me off. 

"Leave your sister alone. You are to protect her, not take her things." he says, staring at me with a knowing look. 

Now it's Maria's turn to smirk and stick her tongue out at me. 

"Quit it, you two. It's almost time." he tells us. 

"Dad, I really don't think this is necessary." I begin.

"A school? Really? There's no point. We-"

"We've been over this. I'm not repeating myself. Now let's go." he says with irritation before he turns around and heads towards the door. 

Maria and I both groan before we follow behind him. I will never understand why we're continuously put in these situations, but it's starting to get old. 


About an hour later, we arrive at a school. It looked liked a pretty well-organized school. Just as my sister and I were about to get out the car, my dad stopped us. 

"When you get inside there, don't embarrass me. Don't cause trouble or attract too much attention. And look out for each other. Understood?" he makes clear. 

We nod before getting out the car. As we walk towards the school, we heard him behind us say, "I love you!"

"Bull fucking shit." I murmur under our breath. 

Our father might act like he cares about us, but he doesn't. I bet another reason he put us in this school is to get us off his backs of us being his burdens. But he'll never admit it. Even if he did care about us, he has a fucked up way of showing it.

Once we were in the school, we went straight to the office. When we got into the office, there was a girl with a dark blue hoodie on scrolling through her phone while a black lady, pretty young, sat behind a desk type away on her computer. 

We went up to the lady just as she noticed us. 

"What's your names?" she asks us.

"Meteo and Maria Bolivar." I tell her. 

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