Chapter 14

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Naomi's POV

Since the week of Dylan and I's argument, my mom has been asking about it 24/7. All I've been telling her is to not worry about it but she's beginning to assume the worst. She even went as far as to think I was pregnant. Or had a sugar daddy.

Of course I denied all of her over-the-top assumptions, just telling her it was an argument between friends which she probably didn't believe. But she stopped asking about it ever since she left for her business trip that she would be on for two weeks. My dad too.

I just want to start over. Get a re-do at everything that happened between me and Dylan. I feel like things could've turned up better for us if he just gave me a chance to explain how I feel.

But Lisa's constantly in the way. I just need to be with him alone. I want to be with him alone. Just to talk of course. Even though my mind wonders what else could happen if we were alone.

I shake away my thoughts before they go too far. I sit up from my bed as I begin thinking about seeing Dylan. My mind is telling me not to see him, but my heart has been yearning for it so much it hurts.

I couldn't take it anymore. I get off my bed before putting on my shoes and heading towards the front door of my house. My mom and dad were both on work trips for 2 weeks so I was home alone. I reach the front door and open it.

And what I saw had me in shock.

Dylan was standing with his hand raised in a fist, probably to knock on the door. He was panting and looked in a rush. Our eyes connected and I saw was pure darkness, rage, and fear. I've never seen him scared before. Everything was just shocking.

I just stood there in shock. I opened my mouth but no words came out, leaving me to shut it.

It seems that he has just realized that I opened the door when he was about to knock so he straightened his posture with a raised eyebrow.

"Where were you heading off to?" he questioned.

I rolled my eyes. He sounded like my parents at times.

"What are you doing here?" I avoided his question with my own.

He seemed bipolar because in a split second his expression changed from curiosity to the dangerous look he had when he first arrived.

"Don't worry about it. All you need to know is that you need to come with me." he says before looking behind me.

"Are your parents here?" he asks as he continues to search for them behind me.

"Their on business trips." I respond with my arms crossed.

"Good, let's go." he says as he grabs my arm and drags me out the house.

"Hold the fuck up!" I say yanking my wrist out of his grasp.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. What made you even think I would?!" I shout.

He turns around while breathing heavily.

"I don't have time to explain." he says as he comes up to me and grabs both of his hands in mine.

"I know you're mad at me and it's not forgivable at the time and I promise I will explain I just really need you to come with me." he says. All I see is urgency and vulnerability in his eyes. Something I have never seen before.

I stare at him for a minute before I open my mouth to agree. I wanted to go with him. Too much than I'd like to admit but it was hard to resist him. Before I could get my words out, shots began to fire towards us.

We both automatically duck down.

"What the fuck?!" I shout in question.

Dylan grabs my hand and leads us towards his car as the shots continue to fire. He opens my door and I fall into the seat. He shuts the door and circles around, still ducking.

As he reached for the handle, a bullets shoots him in his arm.

"Dylan!" I shout.

Without thinking, I race out the car and circle around. I don't know why I thought that was a good idea with us still being shot at but here we are.

I open the door behind the drivers door and shield us from most of the bullets. I look down at him as he holds his arm in agony. Blood drips for the creases of his fingers.

"Ah ok. Let's get in the car." I say as I pick him by the other arm and get him into the car with all my strength. Luckily, he had the common sense used to help me help him.

I push him all the way in the car till he's on the passengers side.

"Do you even know how to drive?" he questions.

"Yeah." I murmur before slamming the door and swerving the car out the driveway. We duck as more bullets come flying at us. I slam on the brake, causing the door behind us to close, before I take off. I had no idea where I'm going but I didn't stop.

We'd reach a far enough points to where the bullets had stopped. I glance towards Dylan. He was holding his arm tightly. I small groan slipped from his mouth as he threw his head back against the seat.

"Just keep pressure on it. Where's your house?" I ask.

"Press that button." he tries his hardest to point with his finger. I follow his finger's direction which points at a row of five different colored buttons: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Like the rainbow.

"Which one?"

"The blue one." he says.

I press it and the car takes off straight.

"Going home." a British lady voice says in the car.

My eyes widen in shock. His car didn't do that the last time I was here. A pained chuckle escapes from Dylan's lips.

"I know that you didn't see that last time you were in my car." He says as he adjusts himself.

I was going to agree with but anger began to surge through me because of the moments before.

"Don't try to change the subject. What just happened?!" I questioned.

"I think it's pretty obvious." he answered in a sarcastic tone. Even with a bullet in his arm, he's still an ass.

"Yeah no shit. We were just fucking shot at, Dylan! This might be nothing new to you but it is to me! So when we get to your home, you are explaining to me what just happened, and you are telling me everything! I'm tired of these secrets causing tension between us." I finally say, crossing my arms.

It's not even the beginning to what I've wanted to say. Dylan looks down and sighs. But yet, still nods his head in silence.

I look out the window as I try to clear my mind. He has a lot to tell me besides showing me that his car can drive itself.

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