Chapter 20

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School was finally over and Dylan and I were heading out towards his car. The walk was silent. When he picked me up from my last class, he apologized for walking off the way he did, but he never told me the reason. I felt like I knew the reason, but I wasn't going to say anything. 

Once we reached his car, he came to my side before opening the door. I smiled at him in thanks while he winked at me, causing me to blush. All this damn blushing. 

Before I could get in, I heard my named called. I turn my head to see Maria running towards me, and in the distance, Mateo leaning against a red Austin Martin. I guess that was his car. 

"I thought you were coming to get ice cream?" she asks when she finally reached us. 

"I am. I'm just going to ride with Dylan. He's coming along too." I mention. She gives Dylan a small smile before looking back at me. 

"That's great! The more the merrier!" she says with a brighter smile. 

"I'll let Mateo know. You can follow behind us." she informs. I smile with a small nod. She then runs back towards Mateo while I get in the car. The girl knows how to run. 

After Dylan closes my door, he walks around and gets in on his side. While he starts the car, I turn my head to see Mateo still staring at us. I raise my eyebrow. Dylan's windows are tinted so I was confused as to why he was still staring. Before he could stare any longer, he gets in the car and begins to start it. 

Both Dylan and Mateo begin to drive out off the school, and onto the road. While Dylan follows behind Mateo, I scroll through my phone. Dylan's arm currently rested on the arm rest attached to his seat, but it begin to move towards my thigh. I rolled my eyes, already knowing what he was trying to do. I then grab his hand, and lay it on my thigh. His eyes snap towards me in shock.

"What? You were taking too long." I tell him while shrugging my shoulders and getting back on my phone. 

He raises his eyebrow in amusement before nodding and looking back at the road. The drive was quiet for a few minutes before I got bored on my phone and tucked it between my legs. 

"It's too quiet." I saw before turning on the aux and grabbing Dylan's phone. 

"What're you doing?" he asks. 

"Playing some music." I respond. 

Once his phone connects to the car, I go to his Spotify and play "Still Into You" by Paramore. 

The song begins to blast through the speakers. It totally fit the vibe. 

"I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you!" I begin to sing. 

"And baby even on the worst nights, I'm into you!" I sing while I dance in the seat. 

"Let 'em wonder how we got this far. Cause I don't really need to wonder at all. Cause after all this time, I'm still. Into you." I stare at Dylan with a bright smile as I sing the words. 

He looks at me with a smile and gives my thigh a small squeeze. The song continues as the bridge approaches, which is my favorite part. 

"I'm into you. Baby not a day goes by that I'm nooot, iinnnnnnttoo yoooouuu!" I sing loudly. 

"I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you." I continue singing till the song's over. 

Once it ends, Dylan looks at me with an amused expression.

"Well that was....." he trailed off. 

"Loud." I finish his sentence with a laugh. He chuckles. 

"Yeah, but it was hilarious. You were shouting from the top of your lungs." he tells me. 

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