Chapter 16

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Dylan's POV

When I woke up, My arm was in less pain than before. I looked down to see it wrapped in white gauze. I sat up carefully, not wanting to cause any pain in my arm. I looked on a nightstand that was beside the bed I was in. My phone and a black strap for my arm sat there, along with pain relievers and water. 

I threw my legs over the bed and stood up. Using the bed for support, I took a couple of steps to walk off the sedate that AJ gave me. After I took the pain relievers, I put on the brace and grabbed my phone before heading out to the living room. Hopefully Naomi was still there. 

To my surprise, she was. She was sitting on the couch with her phone in hand. She looked up and quickly noticed my presence. 

"How did you sleep?" she asked me as she put her phone away. 

"I slept alright." I responded as I sat across from her in a nearby chair. 

"Ready to explain now?" she questioned with a serious tone.

I sigh but nod. She sat up and waited for me to begin. With my head slightly lowered, I looked in her eyes. Nevertheless, I began. 

"What I'm about to tell you might take a toll on you. It might affect your life and how you look at me. But I'm willing to make that sacrifice if it means protecting you." I started.

She stayed quiet but still look me in the eyes. 

"I'm in the mafia. I was born and raised in the mafia. My parents got pregnant with me at a young age. They were still teenagers. My grandfather wasn't happy about it but after a sudden change of heart for his legacy, he supported it. My mom's parents disowned her so she started living with my father. When my grandfather's enemies found out about the pregnancy, we were automatically targeted and were being attacked left and right.

"But my parents pushed through. Once my mom found out what my dad's real life was, she was scared at first but nevertheless, stood by his side and soon became the princess of the mafia. When I was born, I was put in protection my whole life. I barely went outside and trained everyday. My dad got tougher on me as I grew up but my mom would always come and make sure he didn't go too far." I paused. 

I felt tears begin to rise in my eyes but I swallowed the grief and kept going. 

"When I was 14, I had completed majority of my training. I could kill a man at that point. I was top in my private class and graduated being valedictorian at my private school which was filled with kids like me, including my best friend AJ."

"How did you two meet?" she asked. 

"We became friends during private school. Our parents new each other during school since they were teens and both families are in the mafia. We have a long line of alliance with the Nigerian Mafia, which is where he's from. During school, we were the top students in our class and we became friends since the others were scared of us or didn't like us. And a lot of kids didn't like AJ because of his skin tone so I was always a shoulder for him to lean on." I explained. 

She nods in understanding before letting me continue. 

"So when I was 14, it was around the summer time, June 28. I had just finished school and training." I began. 


Training was rough today and getting sleep was the only thing on my mind. I was letting warm drops from the shower-head cascade down my body. It's exactly what I needed. 

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I did my nightly routine even though it was like 4 in the evening. All I knew was I was going to be sleep till tomorrow. 

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