Chapter 35

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Dylan's POV

Seeing my dad made me feel conflicted on what to feel. I can't believe he just walked in here and then on top of that, try to claim this was his house. It was my house, no matter what bullshit story he makes up. 

And when Naomi told him that she wouldn't leave my side unlike him, I felt the urge to just kiss her right in front of him. The way she mocks him, and isn't afraid to stand up for her and us makes me fall in love with her even more. 

My dad stares at us with a look you couldn't describe. Not even hatred, but just pure loathing for us both. And that look right there, causes a smile to adorn my face. It's his resting-failure-face; and it's priceless. He knows now that Naomi will not leave so there's no reason in trying to make her leave. After sitting in silence and deadly stares from my father, he finally speaks up. 

"Fine." he states, giving up but no showing it. He get's in a comfortable but business-like stature before beginning of why he really was here. 

"As you know, this war is about to start, sooner than you think. Salo has already planned to make a move on us, we just need to wait it out till he attacks-" 

"Well that's stupid." I interrupt him. He arches an eyebrow in response. "Why would we wait? We need to prepare: get everyone trained up and ready to fight, make sure are bases are ready for impact. We need to be ready for when he comes, not just sit around on our asses and let him take us out." I explain. 

"One, don't ever interrupt me again. Two, that would be great but we don't know when he plans to attack. Hell, we don't even know where he even is. We have nothing on him. No address, no number of troops nor allies he has. We can't do anything with no information." he justifies. I stay silent, knowing he has a point. "That's exactly why I'm here." he begins.


"I came to talk to Lisa, seeing how we can't do this without the information she holds." he explains. And just like that, time just seemed to snap sideways. Naomi and I both froze before looking at each other. When we look back at my father we stay silent. He has his eyebrow raised, questioning our silence. 

But before I can even get a word out, Naomi bursts out into laughter. Shocked, my father and I look at her; surprised by her actions. 

No she's not.... She continues to laugh until she finally calms down, and slowly wipes a non-existent tear. 

"Oh that was good. That was really good," she starts off. 

"Thank you, I haven't laughed like that in ages." she mocks. I grin snaps onto my face. She gets comfortable before staring my dad straight into his eyes. 

"What did you do?" he grits out through his teeth, anger obviously boiling up. 

"It's more like what did she do that caused me to do what I did." Naomi explains, waving a hand around. 

"What. Did. You. Do?!" he yells, fury fuming from his body. Seems like the pot has finally boiled over. 

"I think we both know." Naomi retorted, leaning in with a whisper. I don't know where this sudden outburst of boldness came from, but I'm loving it. 

Before I could process anything, my dad stood up and took out his gun, pointing it straight at Naomi's head. I didn't realize what was happening until I watch the winning grin from Naomi's face disappear and turn stone cold. But I could tell under the expressionless face, she was scared. Before I knew it I pulled out my gun too, but with the barrel pointed straight at my father. 

"You shoot her, I shoot you." I say with venom dripping from my tone. 

"How are we supposed to get any information now Dylan? HUH?! Our only source to winning this war is DEAD because of your little girl toy here. Now tell me why I shouldn't cover you in her blood." his rage taking the best of him. Not like there was any to begin with. 

Pure loathing and anger bottled inside me, I wrapped my finger around the trigger, not even caring if he shot Naomi yet. I wanted him dead. If Salo didn't kill him, I would be doing it myself. 

"I'm guessing you never found out." Naomi says, standing up. My father raises his eyebrow. 

"Shut up. Come one step towards me and I shoot you in between your eyes." my father warned. And one thing I know about my father, he doesn't bluff. 

His threat had me pressing on the trigger. But before I could get it to fire, I felt Naomi's soft hand on mine, before she began lowering the gun down from my father's face. I looked at her, confused. But I saw a look in her eye, telling me it was okay. I relaxed under her touch, slightly still tense. 

"Your precious insight was giving intel to the wrong people," she starts off slowly. 

"She was getting information, but at the same time, giving it away." she explains, stepping towards my father. But not once, did he take his gun from aiming towards her. 

"And how would you know that?" he questions. 

"Because, we suspected she was working for someone else. So we gave her false information. We told her we had a training base in Arizona, which she stupidly believed. So we waited a few days, and then we got a call about a bombing at an abandoned warehouse, in Arizona." Naomi finished. 

I knew my father couldn't hide the shock on his face once she said this. It was all true. But he quickly covered his shock with another expressionless look.

"But even with that, why did you kill her? We could've used her for more! We were supposed to be getting information from her not giving it away!" he tried to raise his voice. His arm relaxed slightly from holding up the gun for so long. I would've never raised it to begin with. I saw Naomi's expression falter from this question. She tensed up, and anger slowly spread across her face. 

"We were just using her like she was using us. She deserved to die." she stated simply, taking closer steps to my father. 

"She was valuable to war and you killed her!" my father yelled, taking the safety off the gun. I came towards him. No he was not going to shoot my girl. 

"Your precious 'valuable' girl had my mother killed." Naomi said. I could tell my father was shocked but didn't mention it. 

"She was my best friend, my whole world and now she gone." Naomi continued with a cracked voice, taking more steps forward till the barrel of the gun was pushed against her forehead. 

"So if you want to shoot me? Go for it." she says threateningly. "I have nothing to live for except your son." she continues with her arms wide open. 

Silence draws out between us. The tension was swimming throughout the house. My father and Naomi were having a stare down until my dad finally huffed in annoyance, signalling he was no longer going to fight her. He turned on the safety before lowering his gun and tucking it into his waistband. I breath of release escaped me and Naomi before I went up to her and pushed her behind me. 

"You ever put a gun to her head again it'll be you at the end of mine." I threaten, anger consuming me. The only thing calming me was Naomi's tight grasp on my hand. 

"I know." my father says with a smirk as he sits down. Right when he takes his seat, his phone begins to ring. He digs in his pocket and answers it. 

"What?" he states with obvious annoyance in his tone. A voice his heard on the other end but is too far away to be clearly heard. 

"WHAT?!" he yells, standing up. The murmuring gets slightly louder before my dad interrupts them. "OKAY! OKAY! Just shut the fuck up and get the troops ready." he orders before he hangs up the phone. His hand rubs his head in frustration before he looks at us with a deep unknown expression. 

"Well, Salo has entered our territory." he says nonchalantly, shrugging off the tense situation that happened not to long ago. Naomi and I shared strange and shocked looks as she came from behind me. 

"What?" we both question at the same time. 

"Don't be surprised, we knew this would happen." he continued. "So call up our allies and warn A.J." he says before looking between the both of us.

"This war has begun."

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