Chapter 25

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It's been two weeks since Dylan and I put our plan into action. Giving Lisa false information was easier than I thought. Dylan and I (mostly me) have been trying to keep our hands off each other but he's such a horndog that he makes it a bit difficult. 

We were currently at an amusement park. I suggested that we go on a date. It took some convincing since Dylan wanted to keep me inside, protected; where it was safe. He may live a dangerous life but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun outside of the obvious. We just finished a ride, which we had been on like three different times, since it was my favorite. 

"I'm hungry." I stated without trying to sound like I was wining. 

"Let's go eat." he retorted before dragging me towards a burger truck. 

"I'll go find us a seat, you go. Get me whatever you get." I said before heading over towards the wooden tables. Before I could get to far though, Dylan grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. 

"You're not leaving me side. I don't trust you being alone." he whispered in my ear. I shiver ran down my spine and I mentally cringed from the feeling. 

"The tables are literally right there. And there are four guards around us. We'll be fine." I say trying to walk off once more.  Nevertheless, Dylan's grip tightened around my wrist. I paused and gave him a stern look. 

"I'll be right over there." I said pointing towards the tables that weren't far from the food trucks. Dylan seemed to ponder my response for a while before hesitantly releasing my arm. 

I gave him a small smile before heading over to the tables. Finding a good seat with shade, I sat down, letting my legs relax after walking around so much. When I looked to find Dylan, I see he was still in the same spot I left him at, staring at me. 

I gave him a thumbs up to show I was good. A small smile appeared on his face before he walked away to get our food. As I waited, I looked around at the beautiful scenery. The wind was blowing just the right breeze while the trees danced to its soft song. 

Seeing all the families of different races put a small smile to my face. I saw a small chocolate kid reaching towards its mother, who had a toy in her hand. Before she could give it to him, a man came up from behind and grabbed him before throwing him up in the air, letting him spin around before catching him safely in his grasp. 

The child's face blew up with happiness as laughter escaped its small lips. The man, which I'm guessing was the father, brought the child close to his face and softly putting their heads together. The mother then came up and planted a soft kiss on the babies cheek while the father gave a loving look to the mother. 

My heart warmed from looking at the beautiful small family. Making me thinking of my own someday. But the world I was now tangled up in made it seem like I was never going to get that happy ending that I longed for. 

Dylan approached me with food and drinks in his hands as he set it down on the table and taking a seat, taking me out of my lonesome thoughts. 

"You good?" he asked as he looked over towards the direction I was just staring at with the family. 

"Yeah, I'm good." I respond, reaching for the food and clearing my thoughts. Dylan's eyes seemed to wander on the same family that I was just looking at before he looked at me and smiled. I loved that smile. It made me warm. Feel at peace and home. 

As we began eating, I looked around, still checking out what was around me. As I did so, I saw four tall built men walking around  us, but a good distance away. They all had casual clothing on. They were the bodyguards that Dylan had kept around us to make sure we were protected. 

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