Chapter 30

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Naomi's POV

It's been a week ever since my parents died and then Dylan telling me it was a possibility that my dad could be alive. I loved both my parents, but I never connected with my father as much as my mother. That's why it hurt more. 

My father was a workaholic. All he did was work. He would be gone before I woke up and I'd be sleep when he came home. I would sometimes stay up late just to wait till he got home. But when I waited to greet him, he would either barely notice me or he would wave and go to bed. 

I knew he wanted a boy. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why he resents me because I wasn't want he wanted. I know he loves me unconditionally but, I can't help but think if things were different if I was what he wanted. 

If he would love me more. If he would give me a hug after his late nights at work when I stayed up and waited for him. I know I'll never be enough for my dad. Even if I saw him once more, me being alive and safe still would never be enough. 

But strangely, I'm okay with that. Knowing that I'm enough for others, even if it's not my own blood is enough for me. Because they'll show me enough love than my father ever will. 

I've tried talking to Dylan more ever since he told me. When I passed out, it wasn't because I thought my father alive, is was the fact that I was actually coming to terms with the death of my mother. The whole entire time, even while I slept, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was gone. I didn't want to believe it. 

My mom was basically my world. She was my best friend. And when I heard her being shot over the phone, over a phone, I felt ever piece of my heart slowly being pulled in all different directions. 

I could barely breath. So when I woke up just to hear they found her body, I had no choice but to except it. I know Dylan probably thinks I asked him 'what?' and passed out because my precious father was alive. But it's quite the contrary. 

I wish it was him. I know it sounds cruel of me, but I'd rather it be my mom that was missing instead of being dead. It sounds horrible, but I would be feeling less pain, less regret of the fact that they were my parents in the first place. 

If they were never mine, they would have never died. And I would just be feeling sorry for whoever's parents they were. I guess all this mafia stuff is really changing me. Because as the days go by, the less emotion I feel. 

I just finished showering and getting dressed, feeling like this made me dirty. Even though I still felt sick and dirty after the shower, at least I was clean. Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs, past the kitchen and living room, but to the dungeon. 

Once I reached the dungeon, I didn't hesitate to go straight to Lisa's cell, but not without getting a knife and gun from the weapon room. Once I reached her cell, I opened it up and closed it behind me. I took the key from AJ while he wasn't paying attention; I knew he would tell Dylan about this. That's why I didn't say anything. 

When she heard the slam of her cell, Lisa rose up from her bed, looking confused. When she saw that it was me, she rolled her eyes, but immediately stopped when she saw the knife and gun in my hand. 

"What are you doing?" she asked with a bit of fear laced in her tone. 

"Come with me. And I wouldn't try anything if I were you." I say as I raise my gun, pointing it straight at her. Fear was all that could be seen in Lisa's eyes. Cause she knew I wasn't bluffing. 

She got up from her flat little bed that creaked from the change in pressure. I kept my gun trained at her while she slowly walked out of the cell. 

"You try to run, I will make sure you die more painfully than you already will." I threaten her. I could see her feet picking up pace, that's why I told her that. But she automatically slowed from my words. 

Once we reached the torture room, she automatically sat in the chair that was in the center. I quickly tied her hands behind the pillar that was behind the chair. I came out in front of her and took a long look at her. 

She smelled. Not of stench but of fear. Her clothes were stained with the blood from her torturings, which I unfortunately missed out on because Dylan didn't think I was ready for it yet. 

Well was he wrong. 

"The fuck are you staring at, bitch?" Lisa questioned with attitude and annoyance in her tone. Before she could process it, I flipped the knife before slamming it down through her right hand. 

The ear-piercing scream that left her sounded amazing to me; almost made a smirk come across my face. But it wasn't enough. 

"You had my parents killed." I stated with a cold voice. Tears were streaming down Lisa's face as she sobbed loudly, staring at her hand that had the shaft of my knife sticking out of it. "I did. And you deserve all the more death that you will face." she says through clenched teeth. 

I nod with dissatisfaction, not expecting any less shit to leave her mouth. 

"Do you have family Lisa?" I asked her as I went up to her and pulled my knife from her hand. She screamed in pain as blood squirted out, a little landed on my cheek. The warm liquid felt almost soothing from being in such a cold place, but I didn't let it distract me. 

"Answer me or the other one is next." I say with less patience in my tone. 

"Yes! I do!" she squeals out. "Really? Who?" I question again. 

"I have a dad." was all she said. 

"A dad. That's it? No mother, no siblings?" I ask. "Just a fucking dad?" I question, getting more angry by the second. Lisa nod while biting down on her lip, trying to hold in her pain. 

Well, looks like we both have something in common." I say as I walk towards her. "Does your dad at least love you?" I ask, bending down to her level.

"Y-yes. With all his heart." she got out. I sucked my teeth and backed away, pulling out my gun and aiming it at her. 

"Mmmm," I hummed. "That's where our differences lie." I say before raising my gun and shooting her in the shoulder. The most ear-piercing scream I've ever heard left from her mouth. It was so loud, I just knew AJ and Dylan heard it.

Her shoulder begin to gush with blood as waves of tears fell from Lisa's eyes. I come close to Lisa and put my hands against my knees, bending down till our faces are inches apart. 

"It's unfortunate," I say as a smirk grew on my face. 

"Now your father will just be a man." I say as I raise my gun once more, but this time, I aimed straight at her head. Right before I pull the trigger, I hear Dylan and AJ run in from behind me. 

"Naomi, wait!" Dylan shouts but it's too late. I pulled the trigger and the gunshot rang out in my ears. I winced at the sound slightly before I focused on where it landed- straight into Lisa's head. 

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