"What about Jenny?"

"Oh! She was my decoy to get her" he winked at Bianca. "Still all part of the test and she's now in the past"

"Yeah Charlotte, in the past!" Bianca added, through gritted teeth before turning to Tyler. "Yes, yes, I will"

He pulled her into a hug and I backed away. And there was Chadwick, approaching us with a bunch of flowers and chocolate. He stopped and stared in surprise.

"You hear that Redwood?! I ain't single to the dance" I facepalmed myself inwardly

This is all just messed up.

Chadwick wanted to walk out but then bumped into Luana, he caught her before she fall to the floor, causing Tyler and Bianca's attention.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she squinted her eyes just to see him. "Yes. I...i just...lost my glasses"

She stood on her own. "I'm sorry I bumped into-"

"It's okay, I just..." He looks down at the flowers in his hand. "Here...you could have this" she took it unsurely.

"What's this?" She asked. "It was meant for someone"  he didn't look back at us. "Who are you?" Her hands reached out to his face.

He laughed and grabbed it. "Chadwick and you look good by the way" A shy smile made way to her lips. "Thanks" Bianca's face was already a bright red.

"What's your name?"


"You could be my date to the dance" Boom!!! The ticking bomb just exploded. Luana was in shock "Yes...yes I will"

He nodded with a smile.

"Here..." He pulled her hands and wrote something down. "See you around"


"Yeah yeah bye" he was already gone. "It worked! It actually worked, Bianca!" She yelled out loud. "What?!" Bianca barked

"Are you okay?" Nice question, Tyler. "Yeah sure, see you around" she wasn't okay, her looks told otherwise. He nodded before walking out.


"I'm right here, bitch! Go pull out my dress!" She yelled back. "Dude!" I called out to her.

"Did you see what  just happened? I got a date to the dance!"


"This is a mess okay? Why didn't  you tell me?" Bianca yelled, pacing around In my room.

I took a spoon full of Nutella before replying. "It was supposed to be a surprise, you fucked it up"

"And now he's dating Luana!" She groaned, pulling her hair. "They aren't dating, he just asked her to the dance"

"Well, it's getting to that!" She yelled at my face. "On the bright side, you've got Tyler- remember? The hot, handsome-"

"Who cares? I need Chadwick, the guy I've had a crush on since 7th grade when I saw him walk past me in the cafeteria and I choked on my panini" she said, falling beside me  on the bed.

"I thought that was Jace"

"You're so not helping"

"Well chocolate could, come on! Let's go get more Nutella downstairs" I pulled her up.

I wore a white short and sleeveless, Bianca had changed into a red hoodie and jeans.

We got of the elevator and headed to the living room before the kitchen. Before she could realise what was around, she stepped on it.

Life With The ParkersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora