Chapter 35

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Austin's voice booms through the place immediately I got out of the elevator. “I've had it with you all, I'm leaving and don't hope to see me back here” he stated and just when I walked in, he was grabbing his jacket and leaving.

Oh not this motherfucker too!

“Austin!” I called out, hurrying after him and running past the parents.

He ignored me and jogged down the stairs to his car parked few distance away. “Austin!” I pulled him back.

“What?” he shot right back at me and I stumbled back. “Where are you going? You can't leave”

“Why does that bother you?” he pulled the door to his car open. “What if he gets back?”

“He won't, he would never. I know him, Charlotte. You don't” he raked his hair. “I know he's reckless and would pull shits like this once in a while, that's why...we are here, to get him back” he shook his head and mumbled to himself.

“...more like I'm here”

“I wanna help too” he scoffed. “You don't” he got into the car and slammed the door close, I stood there and watched him drive out.

I felt... useless for the first time in a long time. I felt fault. I squatted down at that spot and pulled my hair. This sucks.

Am I gonna sulk about it like a bitch or do something?

I did owe him an apology.

I hurried back into the house, hurried past the parents again and went to the balcony. Where Jayson was? “Hey” he turned to me.

“What's up?”

“I need your keys” he shot me a look, slowly getting it out his pocket. “Why?”

“To drive, silly”

“You have a license?”

“I'm 17, dude” I don't but I had to transport myself somewhere, one way or the other. I took it from him and hurried down the stairs before he alter another word.

“Charlotte” Emma got up, wanting to stop me but I cornered her. “I'll be back early” I ran outside and pressed the button in the key.

The black Ferrari beeped. Nice.

I knew how to drive, I think. My dad have let me backed the car up in the driveway here and there and I've drove a little in Bianca's.

I can do this, Jayson's car may be wrecked but I'll be fine.

Sunday, I didn't think my Sunday would go this way.


“Bianca! Bianca!” I yelled, getting into the house. “She's upstairs, mi lady” I turned to see the butler.

Do creeps live here?

“Thank you” I hurried up the stairs and barged into Bianca's room, she turned around with her phone over her ear. “Of course, Chadwick...” she then giggled.

I paced around impatient. She noticed and ended the call quicker than she anticipated. “Hey, you finally got out-”

“We need to find Carson” I cut her off and her eyes shot open. “Come on, Bianca” I walked back out and she followed, we walked down the stairs.

“Wait, does this mean you're doing the right thing?”

“Yup!” she squealed jumping in front of me. “He've been out for way too long, everyone's getting worried, well except his parents. But Austin left, threatening never to return”

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