Chapter 27

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Friday... again.

This week has been fine, I and Carson wasn't still in the perfect friendship yet. We still argue...a lot.

And we did get divorced on the project.

Mason on the other hand gifts me flowers...every day. Every fucking day! I dropped the bouquet of roses at my car today.

He's been so sweet and our friendship have been reaching new heights. “Bianca come on!” I called out to her and she shot me a glare.

There was my bestie, hitting on some guy. She said one final thing to him before walking back to me and we began heading into school. “Seriously? You had to yell that loud?”

“I'm so not gonna be standing beside with you hitting on guys anymore”

“Come on, Char! I'm planting seeds for the future” I rolled my eyes and we walked into the hall and Immediately the intercom came on. “Bianca Brown, please go re park your car” I gave her that 'I told you so' look.

“Relax, if it's a one time report, it doesn't-”

“Bianca Brown, go re park your car” she huffed and walked back out. I shook my head and headed to my locker.

My phone beeped with a text. I inputted my password while checking it out. I tapped on it and it was just one word. Surprise.

What does that even mean?

I shook my head and shoved my phone in my back pocket before pulling the locker open and then...


Mustard... blasted all...over me.

I stumbled back a little and everyone In the hallway gasped. I wiped it off my eyes in shock, what the fuck?

My outfit, my face, my hair was ruined with the yellow substance. I looked around the hallway, still in out most shock, everyone was whispering and staring at me with wide eyes.

But then a clap echoed through the place and I turned to the other side to see Melissa and her minions. She did this!

“Atleast, it isn't one of your nice outfits” my hands balled into a fist. “I warned you, Charlotte” she took a step closer.

“You're lucky Carson wanted me to go easy on you”she chuckled and walked away with the girls behind her.

He...he had a hand in this?


“Seriously? You shouldn't have let her walk away freely, shit! I wish I was there” Bianca yelled, pacing in front of me while I tried to get the mustard out of my hair.

“I'm so mad! I'm furious” No shit.

“Calm down, it's fine” I said. “No, it's not!” she exclaimed, turning back to me. I sighed. “Thanks for letting me come here”

We were at her house, we left before the close of school. I couldn't make it to the first class

She sighed and stopped pacing. “I can't believe, I wasn't there” My phone began ringing and I looked down at it.

I answered. It's Mason, they had probably heard the news. “Hey Char” I dropped the comb. “Who's that?” Bianca whispered yelled.


“Where are you?” he asked. “I' a safe space” I replied, leaning back on the couch. “I heard what happened, I'm so sorry, Charlotte. It shouldn't have-"

“It's okay, it's not your fault”

But that dick's. If I did set my eyes on him, I may actually punch him.

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