Chapter 75

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"This is amazing! We are gonna throw a huge party and-" I shot her a dead panned look. "Really?" I asked, dryly.

"What? It's your birthday! Don't you wanna throw a party?" I sighed and fell back on the bed.

"I know but... Carson's leaving"

She sighed and sat beside me. "Okay, that's sad but he may be there on that day though" she pointed out.

I sighed again. "I don't wanna talk about it" Harley barged into my room. "Yo bitches! I got cupcakes" she announced, holding a box to her chest.

"Nice timing!" We grabbed the box and pulled it open, there was only one cupcake left. We looked back at her. "The guys ravaged it all before I could get up here" she said

"Great!" I shot the box back and Bianca took the last cupcake. "So, birthday girl! What do you wanna do this week?" She shook both sides of my shoulder.

"Carson ve feeling" Bianca muffled with cupcakes in her mouth, Harley shot me a confused look. "She said Carson is leaving" I interpreted.

"Oh, that's sad" she said and Bianca's phone beeped loudly. "Oh no!" She groaned.

"What?" I asked. "I got a date this evening with Chadwick" she replied. "Wow, that's cute. Have you picked out a dress? Do you want me to do your makeup?!" Harley rambled excitedly. "No!" She groaned again.

"... I can't do this"

"Do what?"

"I can't go on this date" she got up and began pacing around. I've never seen Bianca this anxious.

"Oh come on, Bianca! You've been on dates before..." Harley trailed off immediately she realized the obvious fact that my best friend was just a flirt and never has been on real dates with any guy.

"Seriously?" She yelled out

"I know! It's messed up. I'll have to break up with Chadwick. I don't need him, I am-" Harley slapped her immediately, I froze staring at the both of them with wide eyes. Bianca touched her cheek. "What was that for?"

"Girl, you don't make rational decisions when you're anxious. You've worjed hard for this day. You can't loose him!"

"You're right! I can do this! It's just a date...with a guy...oh no! With a guy!" Her eyes shot to Harley. "What are we gonna talk about? What am  I gonna order? What if I snort like a pig?!  What if I choke on-" Harley slapped her again...this time harder.

A gasp flew out my mouth. "You can do this! You can't blow this date" Bianca nodded,  rubbing her face. "Yes, I gotta go home" she grabbed her bag. "Bye Charlotte, talk later" with that she ran out.

Harley turned back to me. "I'll go drive her home just in case" I nodded in agreement and she left.

I sighed and fell back on my bed, I turned to the clock beside and the time read 6:03pm.

I've stayed in here all day, it's been few days past, the trip was getting closer and closer and soon...he would be gone.

I wonder how many months he is gonna stay in London. Maybe 5.

He would most probably meet new...people. And what if I don't recognize him when he gets back. What if he changes...more?

And then all this memories and shits is gonna be in the past. We may go back being enemies like before, with all my efforts going to waste.

I really am an over thinker.

And I need a bath, I got up and discarded my clothes, I untied my hair and went into the bathroom.

Brushed my teeth and washed my face before stepping into the cold shower, I made it warm. What the fuck?!

The glass around me becoming hazy. I sighed and just let the water wash down on me. This was all I needed to stop thinking.

Rubbing the lavender scented shampoo over my hair. I began washing. Minutes later, I turned off the shower and squeezed my hair dry.

"Hey" I heard from the other side and I immediately turned, I saw a figure leaning by my door. It wasn't clear enough.

I rubbed off the haziness of the glass and of course... It was Carson.

Parker boys and privacy!

"What do you want?" I asked. I couldn't even be thankful there was a glass between us, I'm sure he could see me.

"I was about to go for a  walk and thought you could tag along" he replied, still leaning by the door watching.

This is what I get when I don't lock my door.

"Well, can't that wait? I'm busy" I squeezed my hair and grabbed a towel. "I guess now it could"

"If there is a smirk on your lips right now, you're gonna die" I said and he laughed.

So much for a warm relaxing shower.

I wrapped the towel over my body and headed out, grabbing another towel and drying my hair. His eyes trailed from my legs to my face.

He was startled I had the balls to get out. I could also play this game, Carson Parker.

The thought of making him startled or what ever facial expression on his face right now- brought a smile on my lips.

I dropped the towel I used to dry my hair and turned to the mirror, before raking it. "So, what's up? Where are the guys!" I asked, feeling less concerned that he was in my bathroom.

"Uhh..." I looked back at him and he had his eyes down. "You okay?" He wasn't the one to be lost for words.

"Yeah"He looked back up at me. I got out my face lotion and began the strict face routine. I leaned in closer to the mirror.

"They went out to a party" Typical Parker boys. "You sure do hate hospitals, the Carson I know would go to that party, not caring if dies" I said and he scoffed.

I was done, now my hair. I picked up the comb and began raking through it. I groaned when the comb got stuck.

"This fucking hair! Fuck!" I cursed, picking up another comb. "What are you doing in my bathroom anyways?" I asked.

"I figured you'll be in here"  he answered. "And you came in?" I peered at him as I struggled with the comb.

"It was urgent" he shrugged.

"You literally just want us to go for a walk" Parker and egos. "You don't mind though" he said and I rolled my eyes.


"I don't mind too, it's a great view from here" I shook my head, the comb finally getting out.

He was in a shirt and sweatpants. The tattoos on arms evident, looked like sleeves. I pulled my hair into a bun and sighed. "I'm done"

"I'm sure it's the next day" he said. "Don't blame me, girl problem!" I replied, walking to the door where he stood.

He didn't budge. "Carson please, move away" I pleaded, tiredly and he smiled. "What if I don't?"

"I'm gonna hit you where it hurts and move you away myself" I replied. "My lessons be kicking in" he said in amusement.

"Move away!" I yelled, pushing him out of my way before walking into my room, he laughed and I shook my head in disbelief. "You better not be looking at my ass!" I yelled.

"It's the only attractive thing in the room" I stopped and looked back at him. "I really appreciate" I said dryly and he shrugged. This boy!

I barged into my walk in closet and got out minutes later in a navy blue hoodie...that's all. I'm lamp shading.

I had my knee length boots in hand. I blow dried my hair and put it in a ponytail. "I'm done" he looked up from the book he took from my night stand.

"Is that mine?" He pointed at the hoodie. "Yep, now get over it, let's go" don't give me that look. He has a wild collection of hoodies.

He got up and walked  to me. I shook my head in amazement of his new behavior. "What really happened in there? What made you change?"  I asked.

"You did"

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