Chapter 81

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"Drinks check, light check, snacks?" I asked, turning to Austin who was shoving chips into his mouth.

"Double check" he muffled and I shook my head, ticking that out from the clipboard. I surveyed the place  it wasn't like the living room anymore.

All important stuffs have been moved, the theme of the party was black and white, everything was set and even a makeshift bar was made.

The DJ set and everything else was top notch. I was impressed by the preparations. "Make way! The cake is here!" Bianca announced, pushing in the tower cake.

"Ooh cake!" Chloe cooed, running to it but I pulled her back.

"No uh, no cake until after the party" I stated and she groaned. The time read 4:45pm , we've been working our ass out all day to put the party in order.

Carson still act suspicious about the idea of a pre-birthday party. I sighed when I realised everything was in place.

Light music was playing from the speakers as we carried out other things. "Who's hungry for Chinese?" Cole announced, holding up bags.



"Yes!" We all yelled and ran to him, grabbing the bags. "I'm so tired" Bianca said, sitting on the stool at the bar.

"Hey guys!" Carson said, walking in, he paused once he saw us eating. "Seriously? Behind my fucking back"

"Here, come have some" I straight out my chopstick to him. He smiled and walked to me. I was leaning back on the table, he stopped right in front of me.

He took it from my chopstick. "Nice party"

"Yeah, we've really worked our asses out" Jayson said. Our? He just ate all the snack while we worked. "And people are gonna be arriving in minutes"

"What? We said 8! " Bianca exclaimed. "They are a lot though"

"What do you mean by that? We don't need the whole school here, it's just a little get together. How many though?" I asked. "I lost count at 80"

"What?!" We all exclaimed. "That's a lot for a welfare party" Carson mentioned and we all turned back to him. How did he find out?

"Austin?!" I yelled.

"What? He knew already" he replied, shrugging. "But real talk though, y'all did this for me?" He asked, staring at me.

"Yeah, it's your last day in New York" Jayson answered. He smiled. "Plus, it's a cue to meet hot chicks" Austin added and we all yelled, throwing sushi at him.

Carson laughed, turning back to me. "It surprising when you're the one hosting the party" he said with a smile.

"Like hell Charlotte? Miss goody two shoes" Austin yelled. "It isn't that surprising!" I defended.

"How did Emma agree anyways?" Mason asked. "Come on! I'm the responsible one"

"Shut up!" They all yelled. "Well, I have to go pack up" Carson said, taking his hair.

I really hated the fact he was leaving. Have I really stressed this enough?

Can't I eat my bread and have it? Just when I got him back, I'm loosing him again.

He turned to me noticing my countenance. I shot him a half baked smile before he walked out.

"Come on guys! We've got a party to finish!" Bianca yelled.



The house was packed up, I put the other earring on my left ear and moved away to take in my appearance in the mirror.

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