Chapter 21

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So days past and Harley's birthday came and yes! She got the elaborate celebration she wanted.

Austin stay in the house was numbered, Chloe was plotting big against him and Cole...he had her In mind.

That aside, no weird notes from Jackson, maybe he had given up. Who am I kidding? I still felt something was up, he was tryna keep me in the suspense.

We didn't give a presentation with the rest, no work was done. Carson's been busy since Austin came back.

I guess that how my week's been going and here I was on a Thursday morning, sitting in front of the principal...oh how could I forget, My Spanish teacher beside me.

I didn't even know the shit I did, she went on and on, saying every shit in Spanish. The principal gave me a pointed look. What's she saying?

He sighed. “I'll have a talk with Miss Hayes” Why? She glared at me before leaving. “What did she say?” I asked.

“You yelled at a teacher”

“I had to, she almost kicked me out. I was barely discussing with Bianca” I defended. “You were disrupting her class”

Don't ask me where that bitch was, she was outside as back up, in case any shit came up.

“She has fucking problems”

“No cursing”

“She has problems!” I corrected myself. “We don't want detention and suspension to get in, do we?”

“No!” I yelled. “I want nothing to destroy my perfect record” I told him and he nodded. “Me too, so how about a little less voice in class?”

I sighed and fell back on my seat. “Good, we're done” I shook my head and headed to the door.

There was Bianca pacing around. “What did she do? Did she-”

“Yeah, she did. Now, common we gotta go pick up the books we left in class” I began pulling her away and we walked back to Spanish class.

We walked side by side and she typed away mindlessly on her phone, the door by the side opened abruptly and we both looked up.

Jace and some chick stepped out, she pulled her shirt down, her blonde hair disheveled.

I slowly turned to Bianca, she was unfazed, Jace too. Was this even a relationship?

She shook her head and walked back from where we came from. Are you kidding me? I gave him one last glance and decided to get the books myself.

I walked into the empty class and sighted our books by the table. Just as I picked, something fell to the floor.

A note, I stood there frozen, staring down at my feet. Don't tell me it's from him...

I slowly picked it up and it read. Hey Red.

I stumbled back immediately, the note slipping out my fingers. It was him, my eyes were everywhere.

He was here, he knew I was too.

My breathing became ragged and I tried to control myself, the bell gave me leverage, it pushed my feet to the door.


Mitchell walked to the little walkie talkies and announced dinner, just when I was rounding up my assignments.

It took few minutes for them to get down with Austin and Chloe bickering. Carson wasn't in sight.

“You're literally the worst human being...ever” she told him and I had to agree.

“You know the words you say to me don't hurt me anymore” he replied, pulling open the fridge. “You're fuckwit”

“Did Chloe just curse?” We all turned around to see Emma. “Yeah, he deserves it” she replied her mom.

“Chloe, that's a bad word” she said. “Yeah, try dick wad” Jayson suggested.

“Uhh...ball sack” was Calvin's.


“No!” she cut them off. “I'm used to Asshole” Austin pointed out, Emma was literally hyperventilating. “That's it!” she walked to a cupboard and pulled it open.

Why was she home anyways?

She dropped a huge glass jar on the counter. Pulled out a marker and a sticky note, wrote down something before pasting on the jar.

“This is a swear jar”

Everyone groaned.

“Not with this shit again” Cole yelled. “5 dollars” she told him. “Can I venmo?”

“Why did I come back home?” was Austin's question. “This is for Chloe's on good, you guys should mind the way you speak around her. She's 7!”

“8!” Chloe corrected.

Just as the drama was about to begin, I grabbed my books and walked out. I couldn't still get over the Jackson's shit.

I headed to the elevator and that was when Carson came back, we both exchanged looks. I looked away and continued my journey upstairs.

A/N: What do you think about Austin? What's Cole plotting against Chloe?

Xoxopearl 🖤

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