Jungwon was sitting at his desk in the classroom, trying to focus on the lesson. He couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n, who had just walked in. He missed her so much, but he knew he had to stay strong and ignore her, for his own good.

As Y/n walked towards him, she noticed that Jungwon was sitting next to Sunghoon. She felt a pang of hurt and jealousy, knowing that Jungwon was close to someone else. She had hoped that they could work things out, but now it seemed like it was too late.

Jungwon tried to avoid looking at her, but he could feel her eyes on him. He felt a sense of guilt and regret for hurting her, but he knew he had to do what was best for himself.

Just then, Heeseung walked into the classroom and tried to sit down next to Y/n. But Y/n quickly pulled the chair away, causing Heeseung to fall onto the ground.

Everyone in the classroom turned to look at them, and there was a moment of silence before Heeseung got up and tried to play it off as a joke. But Jungwon could see the anger in his eyes.

Heeseung walked towards Jungwon, and for a moment, Jungwon thought he was going to lash out at him. But instead, Heeseung simply smirked and walked away.

Jungwon let out a sigh of relief, but he knew that Heeseung was still a threat. He had to be careful around him and not let his guard down.

As the lesson continued, Jungwon tried to focus on the teacher's words. But his mind kept drifting back to Y/n and the pain he had caused her. He couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right decision.

Sunghoon noticed his friend's distress and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You did the right thing, Jungwon. You have to put yourself first," he whispered.

Jungwon nodded, grateful for Sunghoon's support. He knew he had to stay strong and not let his emotions get the best of him. He had to be careful around Heeseung, but he also had to be true to himself.

{Time skip, the lunch break}

Jungwon walked down the hallway, lost in his thoughts. He had been avoiding Y/n for days, and he couldn't help but feel guilty for hurting her. As he walked, he suddenly felt someone grab his hand. He turned around, expecting to see Heeseung, but instead, he saw Y/n.

Before Jungwon could say anything, Y/n hugged him tightly. Jungwon was caught off guard and tried to pull away, but Y/n held on even tighter. He felt his eyes welling up with tears, and he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Jungwon began to cry, and Y/n hugged him even tighter, rubbing his back soothingly. For a few moments, they stood there, locked in each other's embrace.

Finally, Jungwon pulled away and looked at Y/n with tear-stained eyes. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for ignoring you. It's just... Heeseung..."

Y/n nodded, understanding. "I know," she said softly. "But you don't have to be afraid of him. We can face him together."

Jungwon looked at her, feeling a sense of hope wash over him. Maybe he didn't have to face Heeseung alone. Maybe he had someone he could rely on.

As they walked towards the cafeteria, hand in hand, Jungwon felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He knew that things wouldn't be easy, but with Y/n by his side, he felt like he could handle anything.

They sat down at a table and began to talk, catching up on everything that had happened since they last spoke. Jungwon apologized again, and Y/n forgave him, telling him that she understood why he had been avoiding her.

For the first time in days, Jungwon felt like things were going to be okay. He knew that Heeseung was still a threat, but with Y/n by his side, he felt like he had a chance.

Jungwon sat at the table with Y/n, feeling grateful that she had forgiven him. As they talked and laughed, Jungwon couldn't help but feel at ease with her. He climbed onto her lap, hugging her tightly once again, feeling safe in her embrace.

But then, as he looked up, he saw Heeseung walking towards them. Jungwon's heart started to race, and he could feel his body tensing up. Y/n noticed the change in Jungwon's demeanor and held him even closer, shielding him from Heeseung's gaze.

Heeseung came closer and stopped right in front of the table, looking at Jungwon and Y/n with a smug grin on his face. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he said, his eyes fixed on Jungwon.

Jungwon tried to shrink back into Y/n's embrace, but Heeseung's gaze was too intense. "Leave us alone, Heeseung," Y/n said, her voice laced with anger.

Heeseung chuckled, his eyes never leaving Jungwon. "You know, Jungwon, you're lucky to have such a devoted girlfriend. Too bad you're too scared to stand up to me."

Jungwon felt a surge of anger and frustration. He didn't want to be scared anymore. He didn't want to feel weak and helpless. But he also knew that he couldn't face Heeseung alone.

As Heeseung walked away, Jungwon buried his face in Y/n's chest, feeling tears prick at his eyes. Y/n held him tightly, running her fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him.

"It's okay," she whispered. "We'll face him together. You don't have to be scared anymore."

Jungwon looked up at her, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him. He knew that Heeseung was still a threat, but with Y/n by his side, he felt like he had a fighting chance. He hugged her tightly once again, feeling safe in her embrace.

I'm saying goodnight with a new chapter
Bye 👋

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