17: Surprises

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After I had recovered from the grueling event, I stayed at the base for the most part assisting Ratchet with the Synth-En project. It was a difficult task, especially when things would break because of a certain pair of Wreckers.

"Bulk! Jackie! Knock it off!" I yelled in annoyance as the two Wreckers roughly played.

"What crawled up your tailpipe and died?" Wheeljack asked. Lately, I had been more agitated than usual, my patience thinner, and I was more prone to snapping.

"Look, as much as I adore you both, you are way too rowdy." I said, noticing Ratchet was watching me with concern. "Giving me a processor ache."

"Well, excuse me!" Wheeljack sarcastically retorted. Now he was just begging for it.

"Ratchet." I said, Ratchet handing me the signature wrench. I chucked it at Wheeljack and hit my mark with a loud clang, the wrench flying back into my servo.

"Ow! Hey!" Wheeljack pouted.

"Quit being rowdy." I said sternly, a sudden wave of nausea hitting me. "Frag, I need to lay down." I carefully made my way to the shared berthroom, laying down on my backstruts. Shortly afterward, Ratchet came in, his concern still on his face.

"Y/D?" He asked, a rare thing for him to use my actual designation. "Sweetspark, have you been feeling okay?"

"To tell you the truth love, not really." I groaned. "Feel like I'm gonna purge my tanks at any moment."

"I'm going to run some scans on you, so hold still." I chuckled a little as he ran his scans, his face lighting up in shock as he analyzed the results.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting up. "Ratchet, what's wrong?"

"I... you're sparked." He said. I paused to process the information, looking down at my tanks and placing a servo on them. "I-I am so sorry! This is my fault I-I-"


"I should have used the proper protection! We shouldn't have experemented with the Synth-En!"


"I'm so sorry! I-"

"RATCHET!" I yelled, catching the panicking medic's attention. "I'm not angry, my love." I said, pulling him into a deep kiss. "I... I'm actually excited."

"What seems to be the commotion?" Optimus asked as he and Ultra Magnus poked their helms in.

"Guess who's going to be a grandsire?" I said with a grin. Magnus seemed to freeze, process, then pointed to himself in disbelief. I busted out laughing at his unusual response, Optimus looking over to Ratchet in surprise.

"I... this isn't some sort of joke, isn't it?" Magnus asked.

"No, it isn't sire." I said softly.

"I.... by the Allspark." I suddenly felt worried that Ultra Magnus was disappointed or worse, angry. Those concerns were swept away when he knelt next to me and placed a servo on my tanks. "This is possibly the best news I have heard in a long time!" He then looked over to Ratchet and gave him a rare smile. "You better take care of both of them, doctor." He said before leaving.

"Congratulations to the both of you." Optimus said, the usually stoic leader also breaking into a grin. "You will make a great sire, old friend."

"I still can't believe it." Ratchet said. I sat up and smirked at him.

"Can't believe you had it in you?" I chuckled, the medic now a blushing mess. He responded with a grumpy huff, a servo covering his face. "We should let the others know." I said, standing up. The three of us entered the main area where the rest of the team, including the humans, were gathered

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