15: Beast

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I stood outside the hanger, the setting sun painting brilliant colors across the sky.

'You have this Y/D. For the sake of Optimus.'

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I heard Ratchet ask. I look over to him, his optics full of worry.

"I'll be fine, love." I said, leaning over and kissing his forehelm. "I promise I'll be back."

"I just... I don't want to lose you." Ratchet said.

"I'm tougher than I look, remember?" I said softly. "I will return, and I will be back by your side." I pulled Ratchet into a passionate kiss, Ratchet giving a quiet grunt when I broke it

"Just... be careful." Ratchet said.

"I will, my love." I then took to the skies and put some distance between me and the hanger. I landed, pulling out the busted data pad and placing it on the ground. I braced myself as I shifted forms. This time was extremely painful. I felt everything grow in size and strength. Every fiber of my frame felt like it was snapping and reforming only to snap again. I let out a cry that turned to a roar, my brilliant (f/c) optics snapping open. I panted heavily, the searing pain slowly subsiding.

'I survived!' I thought, looking down to see my more robust and stronger frame. I was way bigger than I was before. If Ratchet was in front of me, I'd tower over him and the other autobots. Pits, I'd even tower over Megatron! 'This is going to take some getting used to.' I thought, carefully spreading my wings. They were sore but felt better once I stretched them. 'Now to find the others.'

I knelt down and sniffed the broken datapad, taking in the scent of the young bot. I then sniffed the air around me, instinct telling me to take flight. I leaped into the sky, my wings thundering at my back. As I flew over the ruins of Jasper, I picked up an unfamiliar scent. I decided to ignore it and continued searching for Smokescreen. The unknown scent and Smokescreen's grew stronger and stronger the closer I got to the Decepticon citadel.

'Keep higher up. Don't want to alert them.' I thought, stealthily landing at the top of the citadel. I looked down from my perch to see a great, dragon-like beast resting in question curled up position. 'That must be the predecon.' I thought. I looked around to see if there were any others and saw none. As I went to leave, I heard the predacon growl below. 'Scrap!' I thought, looking back down to see a fully awake predacon.

The predacon stared at me and I at it, unsaid words telling me that he won't attack. I glided down to him, remaining cautious. I was a quarter size smaller than him, but I did not let him think he could use that to his advantage. I stood defensivly as the predacon inspected me. When he went to nuzzle my tanks and let out a low growl, it caused him to back up and almost look offended.

'Talk about not understanding personal space.' I thought in annoyance. The predecon must have sensed my agitation and gently nipped at my audial, grabbing my attention. He let out an almost apologetic whine, his optics half-lidded. I snorted and gave him a slow blink, reassuring him that I wasn't angry.

"Predecon wh-" I heard Starscream start to say, my helm whipping around to see the seeker I once loved and a hulking lavender mech I recognized as Shockwave. "Shockwave, why didn't you tell me there were two of them?!"

"I only created one. This predacon is not mine." Shockwave said. I gave a low growl to the two, backing away with my audials pinned back.

"Then where did it come from?" Starscream asked, backing away nervously.

"It would be logical for you to remain calm." Shockwave said, slowly approaching me. The predecon looked over to me and then back at Shockwave. I decided this would be a good time to mess with both the scientist and the seeker. I shifted forms, towering over the two.

"Y/D?!" Starscream exclaimed.

"Surprise!" I cackled.

"This is highly illogical." Shockwave said, confusion in his tone.

"Valkryrie are enigmas to most." I said. "But I'm afraid I can not stay and chat." I shifted forms and took off at break-neck speeds, returning to my mission.  I eventually picked up the scent of Smokescreen again and another scent.

'Prime must be hurt.' I thought, landing near a cave entrance. I shifted forms and continued to track the scent, eventually finding Smokescreen kneeling next to a battered Optimus.

"Smokescreen?" I said, startling the young mech.

"Wait, Val? When in Primus did you get so tall?" Smokescreen exclaimed.

"It's a long story." I said, kneeling next to Optimus. I studied his condition, my ridge furrowed. "Smokescreen, I fear Optimus won't last much longer like this." I said solemnly.

"I know, I just don't know what to do! I have the Phase Shifter, and I've been doing everything I could." An idea popped into my helm.

"Smoke, I have an idea, but it is a risky one." I said, looking to the young mech. "You are far sneakier than I am. Use the Phase Shifter to break into the Nemesis vaults and bring back the Forge of Solus. Do you think you can do that?"

"I... I can try."

"Good, I'll stay here and try and keep Optimus stable. Do not do anything irrational. Just get in and get out." Smokescreen nodded and activated his Phase Shifter, disappearing through a wall.

I got to work on Optimus, carefully reconnecting various wires and tubes. I could tell he was weak, but I was not about to let his lights go out.

'Stay with me Prime, it is not yet your time.' I thought, Optimus shifting and looking up at me weakly.

"Don't move sir, you are still really hurt." I said, gently taking the Prime's servo into my own. "I am not about to let the one who gave me a chance go out like this. Nor will Smokescreen or Ratchet forgive me for it." Optimus gave me a strange look, once I could not figure out.

"I..." He tried to say.

"Just power down okay? I need to continue repairs." I said softly, the Prime complying and slipping into a weak recharge. I continued to do what I could, eventually I couldn't repair anything further.

'Hang in there Optimus.'

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