13: Mischievous Mishaps

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I followed Megatron through the Nemesis halls and into the medical bay where Knockout was busy buffing himself. He paused his preening and looked at me with confusion.

"Um, Lord Megatron? What exactly is that?"

"Our newest weapon. I want you to repair its wings and run a medical workup on it."

"I'm a doctor, not a vetinarian!" I decided to mess with Knockout at this point, hopping up on the table and batting his buffer to the floor. "Hey! Don't break that." I stuck my glossa out in a small blep, the cherry mech staring at me in disbelief.

Breakdown watched the whole thing play out, a small laugh escaping him.

"I think she's messing with you, Knockout." Breakdown said.

"How do you know it's a she?" Knockout asked.

"I've worked with beasts before." Breakdown gently stroked my helm, a content purr escaping my maw. "I'll have you all fixed up before you know it."

'You better, or I'll bite you.' I thought.

"I shall leave her in your hands then." Megatron said, leaving the medical bay.

"Cmon, over here." Breakdown said, gesturing to the medical berth. Carefully, I hopped down and climbed up onto the medical berth, my helm resting on my front paws. Breakdown was extremely gentle with my injured wings, which surprised me a lot since Wreckers of any kind were never the most graceful of bots. After around an hour, my wings were repaired, and I got an energon snack as a treat. I looked over to Knockout with a chirp, putting on my 'cute kitty' act. Knockout sighed and scratched under my jaw. I let out a really loud purr and headbutted his chassis gently so I didn't scuff his paint.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." Knockout chuckled. I gave a pathetic whine, voicing my disappointment.

"Wonder what we should name her?" Breakdown said.

"How about....Jane?" Knockout suggested. I snorted in annoyance at the name. "No? Too plain, I suppose. Hmm, oh! How about we name her after that bad glitch that destroyed Swidle's disgusting bot trafficking ring?"

"Ghostwalker?" Breakdown asked. I made a loud chirp of approval at the name.

'If only they knew.' I thought.

"Ghostwalker, it is!"

I got into a lot of mischief while on the Nemesis, most of the time I would be the playful little kitten that liked to cause trouble. But I was not one to be toyed with, while most saw my mischief as simple 'cat behavior', I was secretly sabatoging various parts of the Nemesis. I made sure it was subtle enough to go unnoticed but significant enough to cause damage.

One femme, however, always got in my way of dealing more damage.

"Ghostwalker! Get off!" Airachnid barked at me. Currently, I was laying on a control console, secretly sending out signals to the Autobots. Sure, those signals were garbled, but they gave the location of the Nemesis.

Every now and then, I'd send an encrypted signal that only a human cellphone could pick up to Miko. She couldn't respond, but it was enough to let the others know I was still online and not scrapped.

"I said get off!" Airachnid growled. I lazily lifted my helm towards her and gave a long yawn. "Don't make me - "

"Ghostwalker, come." Megatron said, and I complied much to Airachnid's annoyance. I rubbed up against his frame, a soft pur escaping me.

"If I may ask, what use is this...pet of yours?" Airachnid asked.

"For a small beast, Ghostwalker has proven formidable at keeping others in line." Megatron said. I let out a low growl, staring down Airachnid. Megatron gave me a gentle nudge, stopping my growls. Megatron nodded towards me and dismissed me.

"You got the wrong guy!" The young multi colored mech yelled as he was strapped to the berth. I was there along with Megatron and Soundwave. "And keep that thing away from me!"

'Rude!' I thought, the unknown Autobot struggling.

"On the contrary, Smokescreen, was it?" Megatron said. "I do believe I have the right guy. Ghostwalker, track." I leaped up onto the medical berth, sniffing Smokescreen for the relic Megatron wanted. I could tell there was something inside the young bot, but I wasn't about to let Megatron know that. I then sniffed at Smokescreen's audial in a pattern. Sniff sniff sniff sigh sigh sigh sniff sniff sniff.

'Hope someone taught you human Morse code.' I thought, eventually hopping off with a puzzled look on my face.

"I think she smells it but can't figure out where." Knockout suggested.

"I don't have any relic!" Smokescreen retorted.

"Ghostwalker thinks you do." Megatron said. "Ghostwalker, dismissed." I chirped and cautiously left, peering back in worry for the young autobot.


After being trapped on the Nemesis for months, I was now on Cybertron, the Omega lock active with my false Master towering over it. I was staring at the autobots with an apologetic whine.

'I have to do something!' I thought. 'Cmon cmon! Transform dammit!' I watched as Optimus glanced over to the Starsaber that had been embedded in the ground. I took the queue and ran to it, pulling it out with my maw and bringing it to Optimus. Suddenly, I was able to transform back to my bipedal form, a gasp from Starscream startling me.

"What in the name of Primus?!" Megatron exclaimed.

"Surprise!" I cackled and drew my halberd, charging at the warlord. "This is for treating me like some mindless beast!" I roared, slashing at his chassis. "This is for hurting Smokescreen!" I smacked his helm with the flat of the halberd. "And this is because I don't like you!" I kicked Megatron between the legs, a grunt leaving the warlord.

"Valkryrie! Fall back!" Optimus called. "We have to get the humans to safety!"

"On it!" I said, all of us managing to escape. Unfortunately, we were now scattered across earth at the destruction of the base. I was all alone once again and very much afraid. I stayed in my beast most as much as I could, practicing my transformation, so I never had to be trapped like that again.

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