5: Quiet Sunrise

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Dawn, I love this time of day. The world still waking up from its slumber to greet the cascading light as it peeked through the horizon. It was a peaceful time, and I found that Earth's sunrises were something to behold like no other. The sky would become beautiful shades of of color, each dawn a different painting decorating the sky. It was peaceful. As I said on the rooftop of the base I heard someone aproach me from behind.

"You are up early." Ratchet said, sitting next to me.

"I like watching the sunrises." I said with a smile. "I could watch the dawn for eternity." Ratch cocked a ridge curiously at me before gazing out to the horizon, and odd expression of calm on his face.

"I can see why you enjoy the beauty of it." He said. "And the quiet."

"The silence is nice, although sometimes it seems deafening." I said, looking over to Ratchet. I studied him as he continued to gaze at the sunrise, the delicate yet strong features of his frame drawing shadows behind him.

"Sometimes silence is best enjoyed with someone." He said, looking over to me. I felt my spark race as he gently took my servo into his before panicking and releasing it. "I um, sorry. That was very forward." He said, his faceplate a tint of blue. I chuckled at his reaction.

"There's no need to apologize Ratchet. I thought it was adorable."

"A....adorable?" Now it was my turn to become a hint of blue, my cooling fans kicking on.

"W-what I mean is um, y-your behavior is um, i-it's quite nice a-and um." I looked away nervously, my didgets fiddling with each other and my spark racing in my chassis. Internally I was cursing myself over and over again.

'Why didn't I just keep my intake shut?! Oh Primus he hates me now! Someone please take me offline nooooow!'

"Valkyrie?" Ratchet said, gently placing a servo on my cheek. "Are you okay?" I looked over to Ratchet, once again lost in his optics.

"Why are you so kind to me?" I asked in an almost deadpan tone.


"Are....are you planning on using me?" I asked, the nagging fear of Ratchet secretly plotting something eating at my spark.

"I would never do such a thing!" Ratchet said, both his servos cupping my face. "Please, never think that. Even though I've only known you for a few earth months you have made me feel things I never thought I'd feel again."


"Listen, I am not good at expressing my emotions with words. If you will let me I wish to do it in a different way." My wings twitched in anticipation, unsure of what the medic was planning.

"Ratchet, I don't- mph?!" I was cut off by Ratchet pressing his dermas against mine. My optics widened in surprise, but I soon melted into the kiss. My arms gently wrapped around the medic, pulling him into a hug as to deepen the sweet gesture. He broke the kiss, his optics half lidded along with my own.

"I take it you feel the same?" Ratchet asked huskily.

"I do, but I don't think I want the others to know just yet." I said, resting my helm on Ratchet's shoulder plate. "I fear if word gets out it will be used against the Autobots."

"If you wish to keep it a secret I will oblige. However knowing the humans they will likely find out." Ratchet said.

"You mean Miko?" I chuckled

"Who else?" I laughed at this, standing up and helping the medic up.

"What they don't know won't hurt them. Let's get back inside before they start to question."


"Yes Ratchet?"

"Tomorrow morning, would you like to watch the sunrise with me again?"

"Of course."

A/n short but sweet chapter to follow up on the loooooong one. Ratchet my crankshaft medic is sof boi secretly and I love it!

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