11: Closures and Openings

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I stepped out of the groundbridge and into the busted warship. I peered about the dark halls, keeping my guard up as I searched for Starscream.

"What are you doing here?" I heard him growl from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise. I turned around and saw a very tired looking seeker.

"I came to make a deal. I don't want to fight you." I said.

"A.... deal?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, a deal. I have something that you may want and in exchange I need information." Starscream paused a moment and then nodded, leading me to his makeshift quarters.

"And what information do you want?"

"The location of a space bridge. I know the Decepticons have one."

"And what do I get?" I took the bottle of high-grade out of my subspace, offering it to the seeker. "Is... is that Vosian high-grade?"

"Your favorite." I said softly. "I was going to give it to you for when we became bondmates." Starscream hesitated and then took the high-grade.

"Why are you being kind?"

"Because I realized that holding onto the anger of what you did was pointless." I said, thinking back at how Megatron and Optimus had worked together despite the hate between them. "I... forgive you. But I can't love you again." Starscream almost looked sad at my words. "I guess I also came here for closure."

"I... I understand. As to the information you requested, I am aware of a space bridge location. I shall give you the coordinants." Once I had the coordinants, I left the ruins of the ship, giving one last look to the broken seeker.

"Farewell Starscream, may the wind guide you." I said, taking to the skies and opening a comlink for a ground bridge.


"There's the space bridge, just like Starscream said." Arcee whispered.

"Clever to hide it in an energon mine. We need to hurry." I responded, drawing my halberd. "Don't forget I'm going with you and Jack."

"Still don't get why."

"I have business to attend to." We quickly sized the space bridge, Bulkhead and Bumblebee staying behind to guard it while Arcee, Jack, and I went through to Cybertron. We wandered the surface following the key's guidance. Then we came to a dark place.

"The Pits. I never wanted to come back here." I whispered. Suddenly, the ground shook, and a great entrance opened up before us. "By the Allspark! This was hidden here the whole time?"

"Last place anyone would look for it." Arcee said.

'Follow the human.' I heard Ragnarök say. As if I was being guided by an outside force, I followed Jack inside, coming to a fork in the path.

"This is where we split small one." I said.

"What? Why?"

"I seek a different source here. I will rejoin you shortly." Once again, my pedes were guided elsewhere, deeper and deeper into Vector Sigma. I then saw a roaring fire illuminating a long bridge, yet there was something odd about the wall of flame. It had no heat or produced any form of smoke. Hesitantly, I touched the flames, the orange glow dispersing to reveal a great orb like object that seemed to hold thousands of galaxies.

"I have been waiting for you, Spark Seer Y/D." It said in an ethereal voice.

"Are you the Oracle?" I asked.

"I am, and you seek answers. Step into my light, and you will learn what the first of your kind did many ages ago. Ragnarök, emerge and meld!" I felt Ragnarök erupt from my chassis and dive into the Oracle. Thousands of thoughts and memories flooded my mind. I saw ancient battles and mythical events that had been lost to time. Secrets once lost now found all dwelled in me. I began to understand.

"I...am a Spark Seer. The last Valkyrie and guardian of the spirit of Ragnarök. My purpose is to maintain peace and balance."

"Balance is your purpose, but for now, you must learn to transform into your true form." The Oracle said.

"But I have no T-cog! I-i can't do it!"

"There is more than one way to transform. You will learn to do so. Ragnarök shall become your form once you meld fully both in mind and spark. Now go, the human and the Autobot called Arcee are searching for you at the entrance." I felt my frame melt away in a brilliant light and hit the ground outside of Vector Sigma, Arcee and Jack looking a little worse for wear.

"Where the scrap did you come from?" Arcee asked.

"Long story, we need to hurry back!" I ran alongside Arcee as she and Jack lead the way back, diving back through the space bridge and into open combat. I saw Optimus and Ratchet fighting with Megatron, Ratchet getting flung back hard.
"NO!" I cried out, running to a dazed Ratchet.

"Valkryrie?" He asked.

"Stay down. You took a nasty hit to the helm." I said, using my wings to shield him from the combat. Soon, the fighting stopped, and I peered over to see a retreating Megatron and a restored Optimus.

We all made it back to base safely, and now a new challenge was ahead of us.

"This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought." I said, looking at the heavily encrypted chunk of the Iacon Database that Optimus was working on decoding.

"Did that Oracle or whatever tell you anything?" Jack asked. Optimus paused his work to look at me, my wings twitching under his gaze.

"You went to the Oracle?" He asked. I nodded hesitantly and told him what had happened.

"I still don't understand how I can 'become Ragnarök' when I don't have a T-cog." I said, my tail twitching.

"I am uncertain. However, it may be possible under specific circumstances." I gave a gruff sigh similar to that of one Ratchet would give, my servo rubbing the side of my helm.

"This whole thing is giving me a processor ache." I said, the stress and confusion quite eminent on my face.

"Go lay down Valkyrie." Ratchet said. "Doctor's order." I snorted in response, heading to our now shared berthroom and laying down.

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