16: Battleground

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I heard the sounds of explosions above, just as Smokescreen returned with the Forge.

"Smokescreen, stay with Optimus." I said, darting out the way I came and emerging to see all Pits had broken loose. I shifted forms and took to the sky, getting a better view of the combat that was raging at the citadel.

'Dammit! This isn't good.' I thought, spotting Ultra Magnus engaging with Megatron. I immediately dove down with a roar, both him and Megatron looking up in shock. I transformed mid-air and landed next to my sire.

"Y/D! What -" Magnus started to say before I cut him off.

"Long story sire, looks like ya need an assist." I smirked. Soon, we were surrounded by vehicons, the battle raging like no other.

"Y/D! Cover me!" Magnus ordered.

"Yes, sir!" I responded, slashing at the swarm of vehicons as he attacked Megatron. Then, when I thought I had held off the clones, several hulking insecticons came charging at me. I battled with them as best as i could, flashbacks of my time in the Pits, causing my spark to race like mad. I felt nothing, a numb I thought I would never have to face again. My audials rang loudly, and my vision went out of focus, multiple wounds leaking energon. One of the insecticons took advantage of my slightly dazed state and had me pinned down. I looked up in horror as the insecticon was dangerously close to ripping my throat pipes out.

"Do not kill the Valkyrie." Megatron ordered the insecticon. "She is not your prey."

"But Lord Megatron, this creature -"

"Is not prey." Megatron interrupted the insecticon. I turned my helm to see my sire badly injured and on his knees. Everything hurt, and the stupid heavy bug on my frame was making it difficult to vent. The insecticon growled and slammed my helm into the floor, a yelp of pain leaving me. The insecticon got off of me, and before I could react, I was staring down the barrel of Megatron's arm cannon.

I was terrified and in pain. One name came to mind, and I cried it out as the whir of his cannon reached my audials.

"Ratchet! Help!" I cried out in desperation, tears pouring from my optics. This surprised Megatron, the warlord stopping the cannon from firing.

"The dear doctor cannot save you Y/D." Megatron snarled, slamming the side of his cannon against my helm. Darkness consumed me, and I remembered no more.

I awoke back at the hanger on a medical berth, Ratchet, in a deep recharge in a corner of the med bay. I shifted stiffly, trying to sit up. The sound of my movement woke Ratchet, and he immediately stood and lowered me back down.

"Don't move. You're hurt." He said.

"What... what happened?" I asked.

"I almost lost you." Ratchet said, a few stray tears leaving his optics. He knelt down and held my servo between his, gently kissing my didgets. "Please, never EVER do anything like that again." I gently cupped the side of his face with my free servo, wiping the tears from his faceplate.

"I'm so sorry, Ratchet. I thought it would be a simple mission." I said, Ratchet pressing his forehelm against mine. "Did the others make it out?"

"Yes, thanks to you and Smokescreen. They are currently resting."

"What happened out there? The last thing I remember was getting a knock to the helm by Megatron." Ratchet then explained the events that happened, how Optimus in his new upgraded form came in and how the citadel fell. He told me of how Optimus and my sire managed to rescue me and brought me back to the medical bay.

"When they brought you here battered and beaten..." Ratchet choked, unable to finish his sentence. His face had a mix of grief, fear, and relief.

"You don't have to say anything." I said softly. "I promised I would come back, and I did. Nothing could ever take me from you. Not Megatron, not Starscream, not even Unicron himself. And do you know why?" Ratchet didn't say anything but looked softly into my optics. "Because I love you."

"I love you too, Y/D. My Valkyrie, my Battlemaiden, my love." I snorted in amusement at the cheesyness of his statement and pecked his cheek.

"You're a dork, you know that?" I said, laying back down.

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Only around you." Ratchet said with a defeated huff.

"I knew it."
A/n I know I know a short chapter, but the next few and final chapters are going to be long. I promise.

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