7: Breakout

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I do not know how long I had been in the brig, but there was one thing I did know. I HAD to escape. I HAD to keep the Sunshard safe. I HAD to get back to Ratchet. Yet here I was, trapped like a beast in a cage. I paced about my cell constantly. Thankfully, my servos were free, but my wings were still bound. They had taken my halberd as well, locking it away in some vault.

'Think Y/D think! What would Galactica do?' I thought to myself, remembering the wisest of the sisters. 'She would probably meditate and regain her center. A sound spark does dwell in a sound mind and sound body.' I sat criss-cross on the floor, my servos in my lap. I closed my optics and focused on the soft thrum of my spark. I fell deeper and deeper into my meditation. In my mind, I saw a flicker of movement.

'Do not fear.' I heard a voice whisper in my mind.

'What the? Who are you?' I saw a great beast slowly come into view. Its frame with a cat-like prowess and beautiful angelic wings. Its helm was raised high as it towered over me. Its tail delicately skirted behind its frame.

'I am the one you bear inside yourself, yet we are not joined as one. You and the sisters have guarded me for many ages.'

'Wait, you are the Sunshard?'

'That is one of my many names. Some refer to me as the first Predicon. Others confuse me with my creator Onyx Prime. But to you, you may call me Ragnarök.'

'The Beast Titain!' Ragnarök chuckled deeply.

'You, Spark Seer, are the last breath of a dying order. To free yourself, you must become one with me.'

'But I don't understand!'

'You will in time, but you must join your spark with me. For your sake, and the sake of this world.' I watched as Ragnarök faded from my mind. I opened my optics with a furrowed ridge.

"Join with it? But how?" I muttered to myself. I then turned my back to the entrance of my cell, facing a corner. Cautiously, I took out the Sunshard, the soft hum of it vibrating in my servos. The hum grew louder the closer I held it to my chassis, giving me an insane idea. I took in a deep vent and drove the Sunshard into my spark chamber. A rush of energy poured through me, sending me to the floor. I let out a shriek of pain, everything feeling like it was on fire. Slowly, the Sunshard fused with my spark, the once open wound sealing around it. I felt my frame shift, my wings becoming stronger and breaking free from the bindings. My helm sprouted, sweeping horns, and my audials became cat-like on my helm. A tail erupted out from the bottom of my spinal strut and slammed the brig cell open. Alarms blared all around me, and there was one thing that was on my mind, and that was escaping.

I darted out of the brig, vehicons swarming the halls. A deep roar escaped me, the vehicons freezing in their tracks. I charged at them, slamming my servos into their faceplates and swiping them off their pedes with my tail. Everything was instinctual, like the beast I became was now in control.

"Lord Megatron! The prisoner is loose, and she's on a rampage!" A vehicon cried out, freezing as I roared. I tore through the halls, slamming vehicons into walls and finally finding the vault. I saw my halberd in one of the display tubes, and I immediately smashed it. I grabbed the halberd and turned to see the warlord staring in awe at me.

"Out of my way!" I snarled angrily.

"What did you do?!" He bellowed in shock.

"None of your concert wretch!" I snapped, swinging my halberd down onto Megatron. The ex-gladiator blocked my blow with his blade, his crimson optics fixed on my own now brilliant (f/c) ones. "I said, get out of my way!" I shoved the warlord into the hallway, taking off past him and finally making it to the flight deck. I reattached my halberd to my back and leaped off the warship, the wind rushing past my audials as i dove down. At the last moment, I spread my wings and took flight, cutting through the clouds at incredible speeds. I continued to fly until I was sure I was far enough away, and I gently landed in a forest, the towering trees shielding me from prying eyes.

'That... was intense.' I thought, my wings folding against me. 'But what the scrap happened? Why did I do that? Who's writing this?' I shook my helm in an attempt to clear my thoughts. 'I'll figure that out later. Right now, I need to call base.'

"Valkrie to Autobot base, do you read?" I said through my comlink.

"Valkryrie!" I heard Ratchet respond, a smile on my faceplate. "By the Allspark! You're alive!"

"I wasn't about to go offline trapped in a cage, but I could use a groundbridge right now. Lock onto my coordinants so I can get the frag out of wherever I am right now." Shortly after I closed the link, a swirling green portal opened, and I stepped on through.

I emerged on the other side to a variety of facial expressions, some shocked, some confused, and one very relieved.

"What the scrap happened to you?" Miko piped up from the little human area.

"Well, that's a looong story." I said with a sigh. I was exhausted and just wanted to rest. Ratchet noticed my exhausted state and gently guided me to the medical berth where I sat down. I then explained what had happened during my apparent 5 solar cycle absence. I told them of my vision, the fact that I was crazy enough to drive the Sunshard into my spark, how I tore through the halls of the Nemesis, and finally, my speedy flight. "Long story short, I lost my marbles, beat up a bunch of 'Cons, and flew like that one character. Oh, what was his name, the one that is from another planet and hides among humans simply by wearing glasses?"

"Superman?" Raphael said.

"Yeah, that one." I chuckled tiredly.

"It sounds like you had quite the experience." Ratchet said, running a few scans over me. I gave him a gentle smile before feeling my system crash and my frame slump to the side. Ratchet managed to prevent me from harming myself on the medical berth, his strong arms holding me to his chassis. "But you need to rest. Whatever happened has exhausted you severely." He gently laid be down onto the berth, his servo gently stroking my cheek in a loving manner. As I closed my optics and relaxed to recharge, I could hear Miko not-so-subtly whisper to Bulkhead.

"They should kiss."


A/n: More unnecessary lore? Yes. Why? What are ya? A cop? Stay tuned!.

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