"Hmmm....start with Lexi." He says

"Okay, well obviously Lexi is the smart one. She's the sweetest person you've ever met. We've been best friends since like, second grade." I say

"Alright. Now Macy." He says

"Okay. Macy is the 'Party Animal'." I say "She is always happy. But you have to be careful because she gets hurt easily so you have to be careful about what you say to her. But otherwise she is the sweetest thing in the world" I say

He nods. "So what about Nova?" He asks

"Nova well she....she's Nova." I say and I laugh. "She is the mean one in the group. But she's the muscle of the group. If we were all family she would be the over protective sister. She may act like she doesn't like us sometimes, but that's how she shows love if that makes sense. She doesn't let us do certain things which can get on our nerves but when you think about it, she only does it to keep us safe. She can really be sweet, but her past just changed her." I say

"Do you know anything about her past?" Louis asks

"Yes. But I'm not allowed to tell. Only Lexi, Macy, and I know. Not even Zach knows." I say

"Why didn't she tell him?" He asks

I stop and think about it for a minute.

After a long pause, I finally speak.

"Because she's afraid." I say

"Whats she afraid of?" He asks

"Well, she's afraid he wont be friends with her. she's afraid he will leave. Or judge her." I explain

"Oh." Is all Louis says

"Yep." I say

"Now tell me about you." He says smiling, trying to cheer up the mood

"Well, I suppose you could say that I am the serious but not serious one. I don't fight, but if something happens to my friends then I will fight. I can have a temper but not one near as big as Nova. When Nova gets mad, she stays mad. When I get mad, I usually cool down after a bit." I explain "Me and Nova are two completely different people, yet we are the same." I say

He nods.

I look out the glass patio door and see Lexi trying to start a fire with sticks.

After a while, Nova gets impatient and takes the sticks from Lexi and breaks them on her knee.

I laugh.

Louis must have been watching too because he also laughs.

Nova pulls a box of matches out of her pocket, lights one, and then throws it on the logs.

I can hear Lexi talking since the patio door is open but the screen door is shut.

"Why didn't you tell me you had those?!" Lexi asks, acting mad but laughing

Zach laughs.

"More fun this way." Nova says, laughing

Lexi stops laughing and crosses her arms.

Zach and Nova are both dying of laughter.

A few minutes later, Lexi starts laughing too.

"You wanna go out there?" Louis asks and I nod

We both get up and I open the screen door.

We start walking over to my friends and Louis grabs my hand.

I don't exactly know why, but I don't pull away.

I smile.

We reach the laughing nerds.

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