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K-Kagome?" The tiger stuttered, taken back by the call. A blush crept over his cheeks as he brought the phone back down to check the caller ID. It was her. Swallowing down his nerves, he slowly brought the phone back to his ear.

"M-Moshi moshi? Are you busy?"

"Ah, no," he checked his surroundings in Maji Burger, "not really. Why? W-What's up?"

"I was checking basketball profiles – don't ask why, but I noticed that Kuroko-kun's birthday is in five days."

Taking a sip from his soft drink, Kagami's brow rose while counting his head. What day were they on again? "January thirty-first?" He asked. "Huh…wonder why he didn't tell us."

"It's not really something someone announces out there, Kagami-kun; it would make anyone sounds conceited." Then again, why did she see Kise, Murasakibara, and Aomine announcing it so easily? "I was thinking, and I know it's last minute, but we should hold a party for him."

Kagami paused mid-way from taking a bite of his burger. Staring at the empty spot in front of him with confusion, he spoke. "A party? Like a surprise party?"

"I did say it was his birthday, Kagami-kun."

"Uruse," he blushed, barely able to register his question, "you know what I meant, Kagome." Setting his food down on the tray, he gave a deep sigh. "So? What were you thinking of exactly?"

"A Generation of Miracles meet up?"

Watching the ball being released from his hands, she waited as the ball swooshed into the basket with ease. She nodded, taking a step forward as Aomine walked to retrieve the ball inside the empty gym. It was nice to see Aomine practicing again, even if it was on his own. It was better than nothing. "Yeah," Momoi nodded, "I thought it would be nice to, you know, get together again."

"And what would we do?" Aomine asked, seeing it a pain to get everyone together for just a day of nothing.

"Play basketball! What else?"

Looking at the girl over his shoulder, Aomine sighed at her determined expression to make him say 'yes'. "I guess I wouldn't mind." Preparing for another shot, he took his aim. "But why are you doing it on that day?"

"Ah," Momoi blinked, eyes slowly lowering to the floor as she felt her cheeks heat up, "well, um…it's Tetsu-kun's birthday."

Releasing the ball, Aomine did not have to look to make it in as he turned his head to see his childhood friend become giddy at the thought of the phantom player. His brow rose, confused on her embarrassed behavior. "Huh?"

"Well, it's a holiday, and I thought it would be easier for everyone to get together if they had some kind of reason." It seemed logical enough, but it was something she had thought about last minute, and it seemed like a good idea.

Placing his pinky in his ear, Aomine yawned. "Yeah, yeah. I got you." At this point, she could not hide everything from him.

"Hey, Kuroko, are you free on the thirty-first?"

Looking to her right, Kagome watched as Kuroko – who stood in the middle as they walked after school – turn his attention the tiger on the other side. With no practice today, she was thankful for it as she had last minute preparing to do. If anything, she was thankful for Kagami having brought the question up right away before she forgot.

"The thirty-first?" Kuroko repeated. "Yes, I'm free."

"Ah, good!" Kagome sighed with relief, taking the phantom player by surprise. Clapping her hands together, she stopped in her steps - along with the other two. "Kagami-kun and I were wondering if-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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