behind victory

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How on earth was Kise able to copy Akashi's move? The miko's eyes shook in disbelief as everyone else stood frozen on the court. Holding her gaze on the blonde ace, she watched his aura slowly rise in strength. How could she had been so stupid? She should have known Kise was going to use his 'Perfect Copy' right away to take the lead in the game.

"H-How…?" whispered Shun.

Kasamatsu scoffed as his eyes narrowed at the shock Seirin had taken. "His keen observations skills that allow him to copy an opponent's movements in a second. The experience he has gained from our previous games…his natural sense for the game…though he is not absolute, he can see the future with nearly perfect accuracy."

'He can even copy Akashi's Emperor Eye?' Kagami's pupils shook as he saw the slight resemblance in Kise's gaze; the gaze of the emperor looking down on those unworthy to be his opponent. "Damn it!" he cursed under his breath, watching as Kise went back on defense while the crowd cheered for the ace.


"What is it?" questioned Shippo, seeing the wolf youkai crossing his arms with his focus on Kaijo's ace.

Koga sighed, seeing Seirin already on edge with the fast attacks Kise had given them in a blink of an eye. Even he was surprised to see all of the Generation of Miracles' movement perfectly copied without flaws. "He is replicating abilities by compensating for what he lacks with something else. Strictly speaking, they are not exactly the same, but," he paused, seeing the tight concentration in Kise's expression, "they are more than just imitations."

"In other words…the Perfect Copy is invincible," Shippo whispered.

"Dammit!" Riko's fingers curled into her palm, catching the attention of her benched team. With eyebrows furrowing down, she quickly set her eyes on the tiger. "Only Kagami-kun's Zone can withstand Kise-kun now."

Kagome sighed as her shoulder relaxed down, "but from our previous games, we know Kagami-kun never enters the Zone at the start of a game."

"They struck at exactly the right time," the female coach cursed once again under her breath as she watched the scoreboard.

"Then will Kise stay this way until he reaches his time limit?" questioned Tsuchida as he felt the panic for everyone in the team.

Riko took in a deep breath, moving her eyes over to the miko beside her. It was up to Kagome at this point to tell when Kise would strike. "Kagome-chan?"

"He won't," she whispered her reply, "he won't use it all now." It was risky move for Kise to start off with his 'Perfect Copy', but he was not stupid to use it all. Considering two minutes had gone by and reading his aura wavering, she could tell he did not have much time left to use it.

With a slow nod, Riko returned her attention back to the court, "but if nothing changes this won't be all the damage we take. They won't let their guard down like before."

Hyuga clenched his teeth as he felt the pressure getting to him with over cheering crowd along with the high confidence Kaijo held. As his eyes narrowed on Moriyama's defense, he released a sigh. "That doesn't change what we have to do. Izuki!" As the ball was passed to his hands, he quickly took his stance, "if we can't stop you, then we just have to score! We are an offensive team!"

'The Barrier Jumper!' Moriyama took a step forward as he saw the Seirin captain take one back. As his hand reached for the ball over Hyuga's head, his eyes widened the moment the orange ball was bounced between his legs. 'Nani!?' From over his shoulder, he watched the phantom player grab the ball before going into his own shooting stance.

The miko's eyes watched carefully as Kuroko eyed the hoop with the ball in his hands. The sudden spark of Kise's aura caught her attention, watching as the blonde male rushed forward to stop Kuroko's shot. 'C-Chotto! Not even Murasakibara-kun could stop the Phantom Shot!'

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