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Huddling together in a circle at their bench, all Shutoku members rested their hands on their knees as eyes glued onto their captain. Seeing his eyebrows furrowed, they quickly remained silent.

Taisuke sighed, closing his eyes as his team members circled next to him. Seeing the court was ready for them and their opponent, he slowly opened his eyes: "Honestly, I don't think many believed Seirin would make it this far. The King of the North losing can only be called an upset. However, it is nothing more than that."

Green eyes narrowed as he listened to his captain speak to them, preparing them for their win. He had to admit, and only to himself, that Seirin coming this far was definitely a shocker, but if Kise's words were right about the manager having done her part in their victories, then she and the first year duo were a threat to many other teams. But he knew…fate was on his side. It always had been.

"For us," continued Taisuke, "nothing changes. Whether we are dealing with a tiger or a rabbit, there is only one thing for a lion to do." Narrowing down his eyes, Taisuke raised his voice: "Crush them will all our might! As usual, we must win!"

"Yeah!" they shouted in unison; motivation running through their veins.

Releasing a sigh, Hyuga blinked tiredly as his own team huddled around him, waiting for his own motivational speech. He scratched the back of his head: "I'm beat…I've been feeling melancholy since this morning. We've got two games in a row, both against kings…and even while playing Seiho, all I could think about was playing another game after we beat them."

The miko blinked, watching the tiredness race in all the members. Honestly, she did not blame them. Seiho was a tough opponent and it definitely gave them a run for their stamina, but seeing that they were now going against a member of the Generation of Miracles, she could only worry.

'I wish I could have found a video on Midorima-kun to see his skills, but of course, this being his first year…there weren't any,' a sigh of her own escaped her lips. 'How can I become of any help? I feel…useless…' her eyes landed on the tiger, seeing his eyes tightened into a glare. 'And why is he so…silent? Usually the excitement could be read in his eyes.'

Kagome looked next to her, seeing Riko watch her team in a circle facing each other. Blinking, she pointed over to the captain: "Riko-senpai?" she whispered. "Um…shouldn't Hyuga-senpai be…motivating them?"

Riko chuckled under her breath and patted the girl's shoulder: "Don't worry, Kagome-chan, when it comes to motivation, Hyuga-kun is the best. That is why he is the captain."


"Just watch," she smiled back.

Their attentions were drawn back to the circle, seeing a smile soon come onto Hyuga's lips as he spoke.

"But there is only one game left," he continued. "We don't have to worry about bothersome crap like the next game or reserving our energy. We can focus on the one thing we have to do! Give everything we have until we can't give any more!"


Hearing the referee's whistle blow and echo throughout the stadium, all ears became attentive to the voice. "Line up!"

Kagome watched the team walked towards the center of the court, blinking as she stood on beside her bench. Her cerulean eyes remained on the tiger's back, seeing his aura quite tight and distressed. 'He is…too quiet.'

Takao blinked, looking over his shoulder as he watched his green haired partner walk towards the Seirin bench. "Oi, Shin-chan! Where are you going?"

Midorima remained silent while making his way towards the miko, seeing her attention ahead on her own teammates. He didn't know why, but the girl had definitely grabbed his attention. Her way of speaking that fate indeed have an existence to the world, yet someone could change their course of fate had his mind in confusion how someone could be in the exact middle.

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