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Releasing an exhale, the Seirin coach closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of the water slowly release the tight knots in her muscles. She could feel her own skin begin to flush under the steam as she slapped her shoulders lightly with water. "Those bakas. If it weren't for Kagome-chan's instinct to check on them, they would have gotten a peak." Riko lowered herself a little bit deeper into the hot springs. "Their training will not be easy tomorrow."

With the sound of the running water and silence of the nature around, Riko was not even startled by the female voice above her as she was too lost in her relaxation.

"Mind if I sit next to you?"

"Go ahead," she sighed softly before returning back to her empty mind.


Hearing the exhale of the female beside her, Riko slowly opened her eyes and blinked upon noticing the familiar pink hair being held up into a messy bun. She blinked twice with her pupils coming to expand. "Y-You…"

"We shouldn't have peeped," Hyuga spoke under the water with only his eyes being out of the water. The sting on his cheek remained and even the hot water was not helping ease the pain of Riko's slap.

Shun scoffed under his breath before placing his hand over his right cheek. "Of course not. Why did I even get hit? I was the one trying to stop all of you." The fact that he tried to reason with the coach before he got the hit was beyond him. He was the one in the water along with Kiyoshi. Speaking of which – "Oi, Kiyoshi, why didn't you get slapped?"

The tall center chuckled under his breath as he scratched the back of his neck. How was he supposed to explain he had actually backed away from the fury of both girls? The mere sight of the two girls had him slowly retreating further into the water before he was found.

"Coach definitely hits hard," sighed Fukuda, coming to flinch the moment his fingers touched his swollen cheek.

"Like you should talk."

The Seirin teams changed their sight direction over to the wolf youkai, seeing him sitting on top of a boulder as he rubbed his much more redden cheek. Not only was it swollen, but it looked extremely painful to even look at. Their manager had definitely done a number on him. To think Kagome had no fear to raise her hand towards such a famous person with a high status. Looked like the coach was not the only person to fear now.

"Kagome has not changed one bit," Koga closed his eyes, flinching at the sting on his red print.

Koganei blinked as he tilted his head to the side. "Has Kagome-chan always been like that?"

"Huh?" Koga's attention was brought up to the team. He blinked; confused. Had they never seen Kagome mad before? "Are you telling me all of you have never witnessed Kagome like that before?"

They all shook their heads in unison and in silence.

"Consider yourselves lucky then," sighed the wolf youkai. The image of an angry miko had been stitched in his mind since he had kidnapped her the first time. He never wanted to cross her like that again, but it seemed like her erupted anger would always be a surprise to him. Koga slowly rose to his feet before coming to wrap a towel around his hips. "Well, I should head to my room now."

"Huh?" blinked Hyuga, raising his head to see the older male walking around the hot spring. "It is still early, Koga-san."

"Bakas, did you forget who is training you tomorrow?" Koga's eyebrow rose as he looked over his shoulder. The grin on his lips slowly stretched at the corners as the thought of his upcoming training came into his mind. "Make sure you get lots of rest. You will need it." With a final laugh echoing throughout the hot springs, Koga made his way into men's change room, leaving the Seirin team gulping.

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