an explanation

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Riko blinked at the sight of the ceramic cup being handed to her. Looking to her left, the female coach sent a smile to the miko's mother before taking the warm cup. "Arigatou, Higurashi-san," she spoke softly as the smile was returned.

"It is my pleasure," Kagome's mother chuckled as she saw the rest of Kagome's team seated around the living room, "it has been awhile since I last seen my house this lively. You are always welcome to come here." How long had it been to see life being brought back into her daughter's life? This team had pushed Kagome to live her life. Kagome did not need to forget her past, but she needed to move forward. As she took a glance at her daughter, she noticed the small frown decorating her lips. She had heard of Kagome's idea of telling her friends of her complicated past. Kagome sought for advice from her and all she could tell her: only she knew the answer to that.

"Well, I am surprised Kagome-chan decided to invite us here herself," Hyuga spoke out as he lowered the cup of tea from his lips. The moment Kagami, Kuroko, and the miko returned to them, the atmosphere had gotten heavier. No one had said a word until Kagome politely asked them to come to her house as she had something important to say. Of course they were curious and worried. Now here they were. "So?" he questioned, "what was it that you wanted to tell us, Kagome-chan?"

Looking at the clock on the wall, Kagome released a low sigh. The nervous were definitely getting to her and she could feel her palms begin to sweat at the thought of telling Seirin her story. How much longer did she have to wait for Koga and Shippo to arrive?

"Seirin has really become amazing and strong!"

The male voice caught the team's attention over to Kagome's younger brother as he held Buyo by the arms on the floor. Souta chuckled as he saw Nigou coming over and sniff the neko's fur before giving him a friendly bark. "I did not think Seirin would be able to beat so many of the Generation of Miracles! I saw it on TV and it was awesome!"

"Well, the team has put a lot of effort," Kiyoshi chuckled, "but I believe your sister has given a lot for the team."

All eyes glided over to the blinking miko, seeing her a little taken back by the center's compliment. Kagome's view slowly dropped down to her lap once she felt her stomach flip due to the nerves. Worried filled her being on the possible outcomes of telling her absurd story.

Noticing the worry in her daughter's eyes, Kagome's mother gave out a small smile before tapping Souta's shoulder. "Sweetie, let us give the team some time to talk. I am sure they have some things to discuss."

"But okaa-san~ they rarely come over…"

"Don't worry," Koganei winked as he gave Souta a thumbs up, "we will definitely come more now that we got your Higurashi-san's approval!"

"Of course," Kagome's mother softly laughed, "you are always welcome here. Now come, Souta. Let's go to the kitchen."

Waiting for the Higurashi family to leave the room, Kagami turned his head to the miko as the rest of the team members fell silent. "So? What did you want to tell us?" After what Sesshomaru had told him and Kuroko, he felt like he really did not know their manager. Just who exactly was she?

Kiyoshi immediately noticed the silent demeanor of the miko. No doubt her nerves were stopping her from even saying one word. Although he knew the gist of her story, he was still curious over the details. It still had him a bit shocked over the whole thing since she had healed his knee for that one match. "Kagome-chan…," he whispered, catching the attention of the miko, "it's okay. Everything will be alright."


The team was left in blinks as they saw the brunette give the miko a smile before he reached out from his seat on the corner of the couch. Placing his hand over her head, he gave her a gentle ruffle. Only fate could tell if the team would take the story well and they would remain by her side; she hoped they would.

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