Vol 2, Episode 2: Ironwood

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~Few Days Later~

Carter standing in Ozpin's office along with Ozpin and Goodwitch as they saw bullheads from Atlas flying around.

Goodwitch: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Well...running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore.

Carter: I think he's overcompensating for something.

Goodwitch rolled her eyes as a beeping was heard on Ozpins desk.

Ozpin: Come in.

The elevator doors opened to reveal Ironwood.

Ironwood: Ozpin!

Ozpin: Hello, General.

Carter and Goodwitch stood next to Ozpin.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long.

Ironwood looked at Goodwitch.

Ironwood: And Glynda, it has certainly been too long since we last met.

Carter groaned.

Goodwitch (Sarcastically): Oh, James.....*To Ozpin* I'll be outside.

Goodwitch began to walk away.

Ironwood: Well she hasn't changed a bit.

Ozpin: So, what brings you all the way down from Atlas? Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival.

Ozpin handed Ironwood a cup.

Ironwood: Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year. Besides, with you hosting, I thought this might be opportunity for us to catch up.

Carter: As much as I like seeing old friends reunite, the army outside says otherwise.

Ozpin: He's right. The small fleet outside my window does have me concerned.

Ironwood: Concern is what brought them here.

Ozpin: I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult-

Ironwood: Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men.

Carter: I have a small feeling as to why too.

Ironwood: I'm sorry but who are you?

Carter: The solution you sad bucket of bolts.

Ironwood: Solution to what?

Ozpin: Our problem, James.

Ironwood: Him? How can this child be any more help than the huntsman and huntresses we train.

Carter: Because unlike them, I know the reason why we're training. You need a solution for your....Salem problem and that's me.

Ironwood: How do you know about that? Oz? What have you told him?

Carter: The man didn't tell me anything. You see, I'm the key piece to both sides. On one side, I can help save the world and make it safe once for all, and on the other hand, I could join Salem and destroy the world but destroying it wouldn't sit well with me or my friend so I'm here trying to protect it.

Ironwood: What are you saying? What use are you to Salem that would allow her to destroy the world?

Ozpin: James. Carter here, is the current host of the Spirit of Vengeance.

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