Vol 1, Episode 7: Forever Fall

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~A Few Weeks Later~

Carter and the other students were following Miss Goodwitch through the Forever Forest.

Goodwitch: Yes, students. The Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peaches has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees, deep within this forest. I am simply here to make sure none of you die along the way.....Mr Rose.

Carter: Huh?! What do you mean me!?

Goodwitch: I think you know why.

Carter: Fair enough.

Goodwitch: Each of you is to gather at least one jars worth of Red Sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at Four o'clock. Have fun!

Cardin grabbed Jaune, who was holding a box with jars on top of it.

Cardin: Come on, buddy. Let's go.

Pyrrha watched as Jaune followed Cardin and his goons into the forest. Carter stood next to Pyrrha.

Carter: You know, I can't wait for something bad to happen to bring Jaune crawling back.

Pyrrha: That's not nice!

Carter: He deserves it! This is his fault for being stuck in this position in the first place. He got himself in this mess, he can get himself out of it.

Pyrrha: Your really not going to help him?

Carter: Probably not.

Carter walked off into the forest, leaving Pyrrha alone. As Carter walked through the forest, he saw Blake collecting sap from a tree.

Carter: Holding up okay?

Blake: I'm fine.

Carter: I meant with when you saw.....my other side.

Blake looked at Carter, as he leaned against a tree.

Blake: What is it? It's not like any semblance I've ever seen.

Carter: Because it's not. It's a curse. Somehow, I was cursed with this.....thing and I have to make use of it the best I can without killing anyone I care about.

Blake: When Ruby and Yang thought you were dead, was that because of....it?

Carter: Yeah. I didn't want ti freak them out anymore so I just ran and lived on my own.

Blake: They don't know about it, do they?

Carter looked to his right and saw Yang and Ruby collecting sap.

Carter: No, and I'd rather keep it that way. I don't want them to see the Monster I've become.

Blake: A "monster" wouldn't protect innocent people. Your a good man.

Carter: Does a "Good Man" kill to keep the innocent alive?

Blake: This one does.

Carter chuckled to himself.

Carter: Thanks, Blake. So? When do you plan on telling them about you being a Faunus?

Blake: When the time is right, I guess.

Carter: Don't trust them?

Blake: I do. I guess it's for the same reason as you in a sense. I don't want them to see me as a White Fang.

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