Vol 1, Episode 6: Offering Help

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~Flashback-2 Days After Episode 4~

Carter was standing on the cliff side of the Emerald Forest with Carter Slade.

Slade: You did good today, kid.

Carter (Panting): You....think?

Slade: Yep. You'll be ready in no time, kid.

Carter: Good to know.

Slade handed Carter a bottle of water as the two looked over the forest.

Slade: You know it's not too late to change up the attire. Maybe get you a new jacket, some new ranch boots and a decent cowboy hat and trade in the car for a horse.

Carter: Ha! In your dreams, old man. I'll do that when Fantasy meets reality.

Slade: Kid? We're two Celestial beings in a world full of magic, creatures of darkness and you think that's not fantasy enough?

Carter: Touché. I'll dress like that when Cats talk.

Slade was about to say something but Carter interjected.

Carter: Faunus' don't count because their people too, numb-nuts.

Slade: I'll be waiting then.

The two continued looking over the forest when Carter spoke up.

Carter: What was my dad like?

Slade: He was different. That's for sure.

Carter: How so?

Slade: He was kinda stupid, not going to lie. Thought he could use Penance Stare on Blackheart.

Carter: He couldn't?

Slade: Not at first. Blackheart was a demon with no soul. It wasn't until San Venganza when your father was able to use Penance Stare on him.

Carter: So Blackheart? Who's he?

Slade: The son of Mephistopheles. But you don't have to worry about him. Johnny killed him so he won't be a problem for you.

Carter: Alright. Anything else for today?

Slade: Nope. Think we're done for today. Remember, this power shouldn't be used lightly. Use it when absolutely necessary. If Salem gets hold of you at Beacon, it could be disastrous for Beacon and the students here.

Carter: What does she want with the Rider anyways?

Slade: No clue. Maybe to bond it with herself or maybe a lackey or something. But I know that The Rider is one of the best options to defeating her. You just need to be ready.

Carter: Why can't you fight her? Or help me fight her?

Slade: Kid, I'm too old for that. I've got maybe oke Last Ride in me and I'm saving it for something big.

RWBY: Legend Of The Ghost RiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora