"Y/n, I agree with Hanni." Danielle said quietly.

I could hear them laugh as we argued on and on, until Haerin spoke.

"S-stop fighting!" She yelled. "Cheolie will come for us, he loves me!"

Eunchae got angry for some reason and slapped her.

"Shut up bitch! You don't know what you're talking about! He doesn't love you at all!" Eunchae shouted.

Minji started hysterically laughing.

"You all.. are seriously fucked." She said. "Cheol will wipe you all out, you don't stand a chance."

Just then, Cheol showed up in ropes, with a smirk on his face.

"Cheol, you crazy bastard.. you really let yourself lose to come here?" I whispered to myself.

"Oh? If it isn't Cheol himself, you waste." Jungwon said. "You need to die along with your brother."

"I'm going to wipe that smile off of your face, you know, like how I bashed into your mother's car that day?" Taehyun said.

Cheol cracked a little, but kept cool and sat down.

Haerin's POV
I couldn't help but notice how close Danielle kept getting to me the whole time.

Cheolie sat down next to us.

All of a sudden, Eunchae walked up and kissed him.

Cheolie moved away.

"Do that again, I'll break your nose." He said.

"Come on Cheol, you know you miss me." Eunchae said.

"What the fuck?" Y/n said. "What are you talking about?"

"Cheolie? W-what's going on?!" I said, infuriated.

Danielle got even closer, resting her head on me.

"Calm down Haerin." She said.

"He didn't tell you guys?" Eunchae said. "Cheol and Changho both attended this school, before he beat up our guys and got moved, we were dating!"

I wiggled out of my ropes and charged at Eunchae. How dare she feed lies to us?

She hit me in the face and jumped up, knocking me over with her knee. It was Cheolie's move.

"Eunchae is Cheol's first love, not you Haerin, sorry to break it to ya." Jungwon said.

"Cheol, is this true? I really thought Haerin was your first!!" Chaewon said.

Cheolie looked down at the ground, not saying anything.

I coughed and spluttered as I got back up.

"Cheolie loves me, nobody else. You're just delusional and constantly feed yourself bullcrap to make yourself feel better." I said.

"Pipe down, you little shit!" Eunchae shouted, kicking me back down.

Danielle got all close to me again, but this time she was laying on top of me.

"Stop, Haerin! It's not worth it!" She said.

I don't know what happened or why, but Danielle kissed me. And as everyone around us watched in confusion and awkwardness, I cooled down.

"Dani? What are you doing?" Y/n said in discomfort.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Danielle replied. "I really am. Please forgive me."

Cheolie looked at us for a second as a sad and enraged look appeared on his face.

There was a brief silence before Cheolie said "Let them go, you can keep me."

"That's my Cheol," Eunchae said, leaning to kiss him again.

I expected Cheolie to move back, but he didn't. I can't tell if he was still shocked at Danielle kissing me or angry.

"Ooookay, that's enough, you're all free to go." Jungwon said.

As we walked out, I took a look behind my shoulder to see Cheolie breaking out of his ropes and taking his anger out on those around him.

We were walking home quietly when Y/n said "Cheol really liked you, y'know, and Dani, why did you do that?"

"I.. I have no idea! I don't know what came over me! I'm sorry!!" Dani said.

I tried to comfort her and held her hand.

"Y/n, aren't you bothered at all?" Minji said.

"Yeah, I thought you would've freaked out when Dani did that," Hanni said.

"I don't know anymore, I'm just gonna head home." Y/n said, sulking and walking away.

"Wait! I'll come with you." Minji said as she chased after them.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Haerin." Dani said as we parted ways.

When I got home, my omma saw the bruise on my forehead.

"Haerin! Where'd you go? What happened to your face?" She asked. "And where's Cheol?"

I broke down and started crying and told her everything.

"Haerin," she said, calming me, "You can't balance both at the same time, it's Cheol or no Cheol, if what you said is true, then you have to win him back, I'm not bothered if you pick Danielle either, you'll always be my daughter."

That night, I sat on the stairs, waiting for Cheolie to come home, but he never did. I fell asleep on the stairs.

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