21. Chapter (Being Tender May Cost You A Heart)

Start from the beginning

Arden nodded, his countenance displaying a mingling of understanding and intrigue. "I observed the nuances of your speech, albeit discreetly. It appears you possess a remarkable talent for masking your origins."

Lynette's lips curved into a smile, though her gaze remained averted.

"And why, then, do you not wish to return?" he inquired further.

For I am smitten with you, my heart aflame, and I yearn to gaze upon your visage, even as you wed another, she pondered silently.

"The reasons behind my reluctance to return remain unaltered, akin to those that compelled my departure. Lord Price, I am but one of eight offspring... only three of us endure today—myself, my brother, and my sister," she revealed, her voice carrying a trace of melancholy. "In Ireland, we dwelled in destitution, plagued by perpetual hunger. Not because our parents were remiss in their care, but because circumstances conspired to strip us of all we possessed. While my siblings have reestablished their positions and found familial bliss and limelight, I, the youngest of our brood, am no longer deemed kin. I harboured no desire to beg on the streets of Baile, right under their very noses."

Lynette concluded, her gaze turning towards Arden. Her eyes gleamed, suffused with a sense of yearning, still stung by her siblings' rejection.

"Considering your reference to a return to prominence, were you part of it ere you lost all?" he queried softly, his voice bearing a trace of sympathy.

She gazed at Arden, pondering the propriety of confiding in him with her closely guarded secret, before ultimately giving a nod of approval. "My sire bore the esteemed designation of baron. Alas, in this unpredictable era, who can fathom the current custodian of that noble title," she lamented with a wistful sigh.

Arden's lips curved mischievously. "In that case, perhaps I should address you as Lady in private."

Lynette's laughter filled the air, laced with a hint of mirth. "I beseech you, sir, do not jest. The past is an irrevocable chapter, left forever behind," she exclaimed, her amusement palpable. "I find solace in the fortuitous encounter with that clammy lord within the tavern's confines, for it has granted us this conversation, and I now sense a place where I truly belong. I find contentment here, Lord Price, and dare I say, even the seeds of happiness."

A genuine, radiant smile graced her countenance, mirrored by a broad grin on Arden's face. Finishing his tea, he surmised it was time to seek out Burnett, who undoubtedly awaited his visit with grave impatience and notable curses. His father had already slipped from his thoughts, knowing full well that, at worst, tomorrow would bring a new day.

"I extend my gratitude for the tea, Miss Morris, and for allowing me a glimpse into your life's narrative," he expressed graciously.

"Once again, the pleasure is mine, Lord Price. Do make more frequent visits," she encouraged, blushing ever so slightly.

Arden grinned, bidding her farewell as he departed the kitchen. But as he was about to mount his horse, a peculiar sensation overcame him, as if someone were watching him intently. He glanced around, and in one of the manor's windows, he spotted a figure discreetly waving at him. It had been some time since he had seen her, but given Lynette's extraordinary influence—a fact reaffirmed during their conversation in the kitchen—he would have to satisfy his desires through the widow Allman. No longer did he mind that, whenever he closed his eyes, he could not see nor perceive the woman herself... only Lynette's blue eyes, full lips, and fiery tresses. Satisfied with his plan, he mounted his horse and set off at a brisk pace to join his companion.

For Arden Price, existence held no pressing concerns, only the pursuit of refined pleasures, wagers at the gaming table, and the occasional spirited exchange of fisticuffs alongside his dear companion, Burnett. Why should he entertain the thought of any troubles when he enjoyed an abundance of life's offerings? His countenance, pleasing to the eye, was complemented by a silver tongue that could charm or disarm even the most discerning. The use of his intimate prowess brought satisfaction, and a long-standing paramour offered amorous indulgences without the encumbrance of potential illegitimate offspring. Moreover, a title awaited him in the future. However, even for a gentleman of Arden's confident disposition, life had prepared notable lessons waiting to be assimilated...

In Magician's Embrace [BOOK 1 of Price Family Saga]Where stories live. Discover now