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Namjoon was with Jin everyone was cheering waiting for his painting to be revealed. Everyone was excited specially since he portrays his emotions in his paintings they are thrilled to find out how he feels. Many people related to him and found his pieces comforting. As of now he's happy he's worked on this specific piece after meeting you. Jin didn't know what it was which excited him more.

You and Jungkook were sitting on the benches along with the others and he saw how you looked upset. He at first was upset that everyone was looking at you and he leans over. "Did you have to look so nice?" You smile "Jungkook I'm always going to look nice what is my outfit bad?" He shakes his head "Absolutely not you look gorgeous but..." you pat his back "Don't worry I only have eyes for my man and no one can touch me." He smiles "You really like him that's good but isn't he having like something special going on today?"

You sat there quietly and he was worried until his mood changed after seeing you stand up screaming "Yeah that's right!" Jungwon had scored a goal and he starts clapping along with the rest of the people he noticed that the competitiveness runs in the family. You sit back down and he continues to stare at you making you look at him. "Something is bothering you what is it?"

You explain to him and he checks the time "Why don't you go I'll stay here with Jungwon I'm sure he'll understand." You thank him and Jungwon sees you standing up leaving then looks at Jungkook who assured him that everything is fine by giving him a thumbs up. You quickly get in your car and set the address on your phone that Jin had sent you on the way you pass by a flower shop you weren't going to go empty handed.

Once getting there you park your car and walk inside to see people gathered. You see Namjoon going up to the front and Jin on the side and smile as you hear him talk. "So I want to thank all of you for coming here this piece is really special to me I couldn't have done it without..." he stops talking as he sees you in the crowd and he starts smiling like an idiot making Jin look in his direction and he sees you. "You really came Y/n" Jin whispers to himself. Namjoon clears his throat "I'm sorry I wouldn't have done it without someone special to me."

Everyone gasped and questions started being asked "Namjoon are you dating someone?" He just simply smiled making a few people scream in amazement. The curtain opens and his piece is shown making the flashes of the camera go off while others were admiring the piece they were in awe it was beautiful. You found it fascinating until you realized and interpreted the picture and cover your mouth.

The painting was brighter then his other works but it was blurry but two figures were visible they were far away from each other but one figure was what seemed to be dancing while the other watched from a far. The tittle is  "Her" Jin gasps finally understanding it. Namjoon walked towards Jin and he hugs him. "Is that how you saw her was it love at first sight?" Namjoon felt nervous and once he sees you approaching him he gets shy making Jin surprised to see him like that.

You hand him the bouquet of flowers and hug him. "The painting is beautiful I'm not late right?" He was really happy that he had someone finally being there for him on special occasions after his parents passed away at a young age he's never had someone be there when he'd get awards so that feeling of excitement of looking for someone was gone until now. "Of course not" you let him go and hold his hand "Good job! It's really beautiful."

Some young girls approached you "I love your dress where did you buy it?" You smile and tell them while Jin told Namjoon to go before they get a picture of you and you'll have people follow you which he doesn't want that. He remembered when Namjoon was once rumored to be going out with someone many got upset and started threatening the woman involved who was just a good friend of his that he had to clear it up since things got complicated.

You were in your car with Namjoon on the passenger seat "So who is Her?" You ask making him chuckle "I don't know try to guess I just know she's extremely beautiful!" He says leaning over to you and he kisses you making you giggle. "It's me?" He nods and you couldn't believe it and felt special. "I'm honored you know what I don't know much about painting but I'll do a piece just for you it won't be displayed in a museum but it'll be in your house okay."

"Alright I'll look forward to it!" You check the time "Do you want to go watch a soccer match?" He felt bad for Jin but Jin was good at clearing things up. He agrees and you drive back to the park and walk with him hand in hand. Jungkook sees you and his eyes land on Namjoon immediately "Hi Namjoon!" He says making you glare at him and sit in between to separate Namjoon and Jungkook. You all watched the game Jungwon scores making you stand up "Yes Jungwon" you clap and he faces you and with a smile then looks back to see the players play.

Jungwon looked over and tilts his head wondering who is that next to you and once the whistle blows the ball stops rolling and he lines up to high five the other team. You ran down the bleachers to go hug Jungwon and congratulate him and the rest of the team. He runs to you and hugs you "Good job you did so well!" He smiles and sees Jungkook coming with Namjoon.

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