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You were now combing your hair and putting on some lipstick Jungkook woke up and sat up to see you all dressed and Yoongi sleeping on the other side of the bed. "You're awake I'll get going now I'm sorry you both had to deal with me."

"It's fine don't worry are you alright?" You smile "I can walk I'm a little sore but it's okay. Bye" You kiss Yoongi on his cheek and kiss Jungkook on his nose. He heads to shower and brush his teeth while you leave. You got home and everyone was still asleep you went to wake Jungwon up it was 7am already. "Jungwon wake up" he rubs his eyes then sits up "You didn't go to work?" You open the curtains making him groan and fake sob under the blankets. "I work later come on I'll take you to school today!" He stands up real quick and heads to the bathroom to shower. You tidy up his bed and head to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

After being done your father comes out "Dad come eat breakfast." He starts clapping his hands taking in the scent of the food "You always make the best food. Your husband or wife will be lucky" he says then starts eating and smiles in satisfaction. Jungwon comes out and you hand him his served plate "Thank you sis come eat too." You grab your plate and you three start eating. "This is so good" Jungwon says making you happy. Yejin woke up and came out of her room "Dad you made breakfast it smells so good."

"I didn't make it Y/n did!" She says an oh she couldn't fake it in reality it did smell good. "There's enough for everyone go ahead and serve yourself and come eat at the table with us." Jungwon couldn't believe you said that but he continued eating. You were in a good mood you were glowing. "So Y/n you don't have work?" You nod "Yes I do but until later."

Your dad was worried "Would you work over night?" You shake your head "Oh no I'll actually get out early so I'll pick Jungwon up and we'll hangout how does that sound want to go to the amusement park." He smiles "Yes is Jungkook going to come?" That made Yejin stop eating "No he's going to be busy working." He sighs wanting to hang out with Jungkook too. "What does he do?" Yejin asks and you answer surprising her how you responded so calmly. "He's about to become a doctor he graduated med school last year he's working on his internship."

"He's intelligent?" You nod "Yes of course he is most of my friends are smart like my other friend she's a lawyer, one is a ceo you know where I work at, the other is a veterinarian." Your dad was glad you hung out with people that had careers but he didn't mind if you didn't hang out with those type of people as long as they made you happy. "And you're just a secretary." Yejin says making you gulp and think your life.

"Yes I could've continued to become a pediatrician but I get paid the same amount just to be sitting so I'm good where I'm at. What about you Yejin what are you going to be?" She smiles "A housewife" she shows you her ring. Jungwon squints his eyes "Where's the diamond? Is there even a diamond?" You and Jungwon laugh quietly.

"Yejin never speak about Y/n's job as something not valuable or as a big accomplishment she works at the most well known company that have many branches around the world while you don't even work." She sat there quietly and you check the time. "Well we'll get going bye dad good luck at your job. I forgot to ask how's the building coming."

"My design is almost being built the construction workers are really good." He says and you hug him "Congratulations well bye." You let Jungwon drive he had his permit for about six months already his drivers test was soon. "We are here then have fun at school I'll pick you up here okay." He nods and walks in while you get on the drivers seat and leave until he's inside the gate. You head to work and as soon as you got in Jin called you. "Yes!"

"Y/n please take these to Mr. Woo and set an appointment for Friday to meet Mr. Yoon to discuss the launch of the new phone. Then come back here okay." You take the portfolios "Yes Jin?" He smiles and you excuse yourself in the end you were everywhere. After completing your tasks you go back to his office. "There's some ice cream I got I didn't know what you like so feel free to choose choose from all of those." You chose mint chocolate and he gasps in horror.

"Oh Namjoon doesn't like mint chocolate ice cream" you start eating it "Really I love it." You and Jungkook liked mint chocolate ice cream when you were upset or craved it he always bought you some and even ate with you. "So the date might not happen?" He says making you frown.

"Really and I was looking forward to it" he stands up and sits across from you "He met someone a day ago and he can't seem to forget her I wasn't able to see her but she kind of is the same height as you now that I think about. He said he's still interested in meeting you so we are good."

You nod and continue to munch on your ice cream while he ate one too. "I heard you um had a boyfriend but he cheated." You nod "Yeah it's true but it's in the past I don't care. I heard you're old." He rolls his eyes annoyed "I don't understand I'm not even old do I look old?"

"Quite the opposite you look young." He cups his face feeling flustered. "How old are you Y/n?" You started to worry if he set you up with an old guy. "I just turned 24 why?" He says an oh and starts counting with his fingers. "What's your age gap limit for dating?" You never really thought about it with Jungkook it was one, your ex was two, Yoongi was five. "The max would be 5 years older and 2 years younger."

He felt relieved "Oh he fits in the category Namjoon he's 28 is that alright with you?" You responded with a yes and he told you a little secret. "He's only dated once so he might be timid." You ask him something making him laugh "Is he a virgin?"

"Oh no he's not don't worry?" You then started thinking "Did his ex teach him everything?" Jin shakes his head "Absolutely not he has a thing I don't know how to explain it but he's amazing I can assure you."

Did you two...?" Jin shakes his head "Oh no no no we didn't we're roommates that's why we know about each other a lot." An oh came out of your mouth and understood they are like siblings. "Let me tell you though he breaks things so be careful if you two you know become more than you know and do that thing he might break you." You gulp wondering what he meant "What? Did he break his ex or something in bed?"

"No she couldn't handle it. To be honest I never liked her too bad I don't remember her name she was annoying though she always talked bad about her sister and stuff."

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