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"Y/n what would you do if Namjoon was in reality a serial killer?" You look at Jungkook worried. You both were hanging out at the park while Jungwon was at practice. His soccer game was this weekend so they were getting ready for that. "Jungkook he is not a killer?" He nods "I know but what if? Would you turn him in or cover him? I know before you switched your major you were in law you could've been a lawyer! So what's your answer?"

"I guess I'll cover him I don't know okay either way everything is corrupted don't you think? What about you if you're significant other was a killer what would you do?" He laughs "I'd cover them but I should really stop watching shows they get in my head." He says while laughing and you pat his back. His imagination is really something no wonder he be daydreaming most of the times.

Your eyes widened when you see Jin and Namjoon passing by and hide behind Jungkook and look at Jungwon but he was busy running so you were relieved. Jungwon doesn't know Namjoon yet and since you two aren't official you don't want to introduce them yet. Jungkook as well doesn't know him only the few details you talk about him. "Why are you hiding Y/n?" He asks and turns around but you quickly grab his face almost breaking his neck "Don't look." All he did was wince in pain but listened to you.

"Namjoon you like her right?" Namjoon smiles and Jin was laughing "Oh my you do! Then why don't you ask her out already she'll say yes I promise." Namjoon nods "I will soon don't worry" Jin sees Namjoon is very in love to the point he had to push him so he wouldn't crash into a tree. "You're obsessed with her it's obvious so you know what a party this weekend are you in? Y/n will be there."

"Sure" and Jin couldn't believe that Namjoon didn't deny being obsessed with you. "Oh is that Y/n?" They both look where you are at and Jin being Jin he drags Namjoon with him to greet you. "Jungkook you said you wanted to meet him eventually right?" He looks at you confused and wondered why you were stiff. "Who?"

"My man Jungkook he's coming" he was about to turn but you scream his name making him flinch "Jungkook! Don't look" you whisper the last part and Jungwon looks over to see if you two are arguing or something but looks away when the coach called him. Someone pokes your side making you turn ready to strike "Oh I'm sorry Y/n I didn't mean to scare you." You smile "Yoongi you're back" you hug him he had went on a trip recently to visit his grandparents but he's back now.

You were scared why were all the men you were involved with are reuniting. "How was your trip?" He talks about it and shows you pictures when you hear his voice. "Y/n is that you?" You turn around and see Jin "Oh hi Jin what brings you here?" Jungkook and Yoongi stood next to each other wondering who that is? Jin could tell by their eyes and stance that they are overprotective of you. "I came here with Namjoon but he had to go so I'm alone walking around getting fresh air. Who are they?"

"Oh they are my friends Jungkook and Yoongi meet Jin my boss." They greet him and Jin shook their hand "Well I was barely going to call you to invite you. I'm having a pool party this weekend you're invited along with your friends if you can't make it it's fine. I'll see you around Y/n! Nice to meet you two! Bye!" He leaves and your phone dings Jin had sent the address and Jungkook reminds you. "Y/n are you going to go? Jungwon's soccer game it is this weekend?"

"I don't know yet what about you two?" You stare at Yoongi who's been quiet the whole time staring at Jin as he walked away. "Are you two going?" Yoongi then gasps when it clicked the he's famous for being the youngest ceo of the city no wonder he seemed familiar. "I'm not going I have something to do unfortunately." Yoongi says and Jungkook was free. "I might go but I don't know yet I'll let you know." You nod and the whistle blows practice was over and Jungwon runs to you. "Here you go you did good!" You cheer him and he chugs his water when he sees Yoongi.

"Oh that's right Jungwon this is Yoongi my friend and Yoongi this is my little brother Jungwon." They say hi and eventually Yoongi leaves while you and and Jungkook along with Jungwon go eat. Jungkook drops you two off at your place and Jungwon finally asked. "Was Yoongi your boyfriend? An ex?" You smile "No he's my friend only now go on and shower I'll make food today okay." He nods and you head in the kitchen putting your hair in a pony tail.

"Okay let's do this" you quickly start cooking and Yejin arrived all smiley wondering why but you ignore her presence. "Mom the food smells good..." she sees you and sighs "I thought you were my mom" you smile "No I'm not but I'm glad it smells good!" She had no one to talk to so she sits down "Want to know why I'm happy?"

"Not really but you're free to talk" she scoffs and smiles a bit "Well my ex he's started painting again and apparently he's got inspiration...that a woman inspired him and I think that person is me." You nodded "Really how do you know?"

"He's not been in a relationship once I'm his first love just like you and Jae-ho." She expected you to react but you didn't "Jae-ho isn't my first love so don't worry you can be happy with him." Jungwon comes out and sits on the table "Y/n thank you." You take him his plate and place it in front of him "Of course don't worry" he looks over to the sink "Go rest I'll do the dishes okay!"

"Alright then. There's plenty of food you can eat too if you want Yejin." She says thank you surprising Jungwon.

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