Meeting his parents for the first time

Start from the beginning

As he went to his room to change, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the people in his life who made him feel loved and accepted. He knew that he was lucky to have found someone like Y/n, and he was excited to see where their relationship would take them.

{Time skip, in the afternoon}

Jungwon's heart raced as he heard the doorbell ring. He wondered who it could be, and a small part of him hoped that it was Y/n. He had been thinking about her all day and couldn't wait to see her again.

His mom answered the door and he heard her talking to someone. And then, to his surprise, he heard her call his name.

"Jungwon, come down here! You have a visitor!"

Jungwon's stomach fluttered with nervous excitement as he made his way down the stairs. And then he saw her: Y/n, standing in his living room, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hi, Jungwon," she said, smiling at him.

"Hi, Y/n," he replied, feeling a little tongue-tied.

His parents were also in the room, and he felt a pang of anxiety as he wondered what they thought of his girlfriend. But his mom quickly put him at ease.

"Y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you. Jungwon has told us so much about you," she said, giving Y/n a warm hug.

Jungwon felt his cheeks grow warm as he watched his parents interact with Y/n. It was strange to see them in the same room together, but he was glad that they were getting along.

And then his mom had an idea. "Why don't you two go up to Jungwon's room? You can have some privacy up there."

Jungwon's heart leaped with joy as he heard those words. He couldn't believe that his mom was giving them some alone time. He knew that he and Y/n would have a lot to talk about, and he couldn't wait to spend some time with her without any interruptions.

"Thanks, Mom," he said, smiling gratefully.

As they made their way up to his room, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his parents' acceptance of his relationship with Y/n. He knew that not everyone had parents who were so supportive, and he was glad that he could count on them to be there for him.

And as he sat down on his bed next to Y/n, he felt a sense of contentment wash over him. He knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

Jungwon and Y/n settled onto his bed and started browsing through some movies to watch. As they scrolled through the options, Jungwon's mind started to race. He couldn't believe that he was sitting next to Y/n, cuddled up next to her, watching a movie. It all felt so surreal.

As they settled on a romantic comedy, Jungwon turned to Y/n and asked, "Can we cuddle?"

Y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Jungwon leaned into her embrace, feeling safe and secure in her arms. They watched the movie, occasionally sharing a laugh or commenting on the plot.

As the movie went on, Jungwon couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n. She was so beautiful, with her hair falling in soft waves around her face. He loved the way she smelled, like lavender and vanilla.

And then, as the movie reached its climax, Jungwon felt a surge of emotion. He turned to Y/n and looked into her eyes.

"Y/n, I know we've only been dating for two months, but...I love you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across her face. "I love you too, Jungwon," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

Jungwon felt his heart swell with joy as he kissed her back. He knew that he had found someone special in Y/n, someone who understood him and accepted him for who he was.

And as they continued to cuddle and watch the movie, Jungwon knew that he never wanted this moment to end. He wanted to stay here, wrapped in Y/n's embrace, forever.

{In the evening}

As Y/n hugged Jungwon goodbye, he refused to let go. He held onto her tightly, not wanting to say goodbye just yet.

"Jungwon, I have to go," Y/n said, gently pulling away from him.

"I know, I know," Jungwon replied, pouting. "But can't you stay just a little bit longer?"

Y/n smiled and ruffled his hair. "I wish I could, but we have school tomorrow, remember?"

Jungwon sighed, knowing that she was right. "Okay, fine. But you'll come over again soon, right?"

"Of course I will," Y/n said, leaning in to give him one last kiss.

As she walked out the door, Jungwon's parents watched from the living room. They couldn't help but smile at their son's behavior.

"He's so clingy," Jungwon's mom whispered to his dad.

His dad chuckled. "I never thought I'd see the day when Jungwon had a girlfriend, let alone one that he's so clingy with."

"I know, right?" his mom replied. "But I have to admit, it's kind of cute."

Jungwon walked back into the living room, a silly grin on his face. His parents looked at him, amused.

"You're so clingy, Jungwon," his dad teased.

Jungwon blushed, embarrassed. "I can't help it. I just really like her."

His mom smiled at him. "Well, we're happy that you found someone you like so much."

Jungwon beamed, feeling grateful for his parents' support. And as he went to bed that night, he couldn't help but think about Y/n and how lucky he was to have her in his life.

Another chapter is ready. Have fun reading it
Bye 👋

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