Chapter 30

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The all-clear has been given for everyone to return back.

Edric, Jerbo, and Sky walked back to where everyone else was. The first of them running up when they saw Amity and Luz and hugging them tight.

The same went for Raine when they saw Eda, but they were also occupied with their other circumstances.

Whoever was there that managed to see their families again had similar reactions. Willow even being raised from the ground when her parents hugged her.

... So it was a good thing that Boscha was the one holding Iris at that point.

Her mother looked to her side, looking at Iris and asking.

It wasn't hard to figure out that Willow was her other parent. Given that Iris looked almost exactly like her with the exception of having Boscha's three, pale blue eyes.

Ms Hyacintha: How—How old is she?

Boscha would have held up two fingers if she could.

Boscha H.: She's two.

Willow lit up and led her parents to them.

One of them, very large but with a clear soft personality underneath. Gently patted a now blushing Boscha on the shoulder.

Mr Park: So you're our daughter in law, eh?

Boscha nodded. Tilting her head to Willow for her mom.

Boscha H.: Um, Mom, this is Willow. Iris's other mom and my fiancé.

Willow giggled.

Willow P.: "Wife" you mean?

Boscha's face turned red.

They had only made it official right before Boscha left with Amity. And it had been so quiet that hardly anyone knew they were married, yet.

So, it was inevitable that they would have trouble remembering that they weren't engaged, anymore.

Still, it was embarrassing.

Especially for a first impression.

Amity hugged Edric tightly before looking him in the eye with a bright smile.

Amity N.: I'm so glad you were okay! You had us really worried!

It was at that word that her expression changed to one of aggravation—so quickly that Sky and Jerbo were scared—and she sent a punch to his shoulder.

Amity N.: Don't do that again!

Despite how terrified Jerbo and Sky were, Edric laughed it off.

Edric B.: Says the woman who got herself cursed last week!

Luz sent a small shrug as she held Azura... After muttering a: "Don't do that" a couple times.

Luz N.: He kinda has a point.

Edric couldn't stay playful, though.

Not after the realization from earlier.

Without a word, he went forward and hugged his little sister tight with tears in his eyes.

Edric B.: I'm sorry Mittens... So, so sorry...

He pulled away, the ache becoming more harsh upon seeing her expression.

Edric B.: I—I know it was an accident. What happened back then. I—I didn't know, and...

Amity stared.

Amity N.: You... How'd you find out...?

Edric stepped back after a moment, recognizing who was still there.

Create A Divide To Prepare For Revolution [An Owl House Fanfiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang